Islamic Multicultural Da’wa towards Qur’anic Community by Nusantara Islam Style

  • Nur Yesin STAI Bustanul Ulum Lumajang
Keywords: Islamic multicultural, da’wa, qur’anic community, usantara Islam style


Islamic da’wa must continue and be strengthened. Da’wa cannot stop before there is a command to stop da’wa. But this preaching should not be the legitimacy and motivation to behave as he pleases without censorship. Da’wa cannot be separated from the spirit of preaching. Such as Islamic da’wa. It has a clear foundation. He leaned on the spirit of the da’wa of the polite predecessor, full of encouraging invitations. The polite da’wa, one of which gave birth to Nusantara Islam. The light grace of God. He became a distinctive variant that is very typical. Friendly and peaceful Islam. The Da’wa is now passed on by Nusantara Islam as its heir. Da’wa that is thick with the spirit of da’wa, upholds the great values of al-akhlaq al-karimah to realize the Islamic community of Qur’ani.


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How to Cite
Yesin, Nur. “Islamic Multicultural Da’wa towards Qur’anic Community by Nusantara Islam Style”. Proceedings of International Conference on Da’wa and Communication 1, no. 1 (November 5, 2019): 196-203. Accessed May 5, 2024.