About the Journal

  • Proceedings Title:  Proceedings of International Conference on Da’wa and Communication
  • Initials:  Proceedings of ICONDAC
  • Frequency:  1 issue per year
  • DOI:  prefix 15642 by
  • Online ISSN:  2686-6048
  • Manager:  Imas Maesaroh
  • Editor-in-chief:  Sokhi Huda
  • Publisher:  Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi,  UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Indexing & Abstracting:
  1. ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
  2. SSRN Elsevier
  3. Crossref
  4. Google Scholar
  5. PKP Index
  6. Microsoft Academic Search
  7. BASE
  8. IPI - Garuda Kemeristek Dikti
  9. OneSearch Perpusnas RI
  10. Moraref Kementerian Agama RI
  11. International Copernicus Index
  12. ResearchBib
  13. Open Science Framework
  14. Mendeley (Elsevier Group)
  15. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
  16. Academia.edu

Proceedings of ICONDAC is a published version of the papers of the International Conference on Da’wa and Communication (ICONDAC). This proceeding was published by the Da’wa and Communication Faculty of the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, Indonesia.

ICONDAC is organized by the Da’wa and Communication Faculty of the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, Indonesia. This conference was held for the birth of the grand design of Da’wa that combines all models, strategies, technics, and methods of communication under the core value of Da’wa Rahmatan li al -‘Alamin (Da’wa as the Mercy to the Worlds).

The first International Conference of Da’wa and Communication 2019 aims for:

  1. Sharing the ideas on concepts of Da’wa and civilized communication
  2. Becoming an effective forum for dialoguing Da’wa issues participated by all stakeholders among mass organization representatives, activists (da’i), people (mad’u), and academics.
  3. Building an understanding on Da’wa and civilized Communication as an instrument of the grand design of human life.