Status and Rights of Children of Underhand Marriage: Study of Marriage Practices of Acehnese Women Workers with Bangladeshi Foreigners in Malaysia

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The writing of this journal aims to analyze and find clarity regarding the perspective of the marriage of TKW Aceh with Bangladesh on children's rights and to find out. This research is field research, in qualitative form, from the results of field interviews that marriages are not recorded, the status of children born from these marriages. Children are also not recognized by the State such as birth and death. Recording only important events, not like marriages, which are legal events, recording does not affect the validity of marriages. It is only an administrative requirement. The problem is that the marriage is from the perspective of the Acehnese women workers, which is a marriage with Bangladesh which has an impact on the status of the child and the legal protection of the rights of the child, which also involves his nationality.

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How to Cite
Januddin. (2022). Status and Rights of Children of Underhand Marriage: Study of Marriage Practices of Acehnese Women Workers with Bangladeshi Foreigners in Malaysia. Proceeding of International Conference on Sharia and Law, 1(1), 56-59. Retrieved from