This is the first International Conference held by Faculty of Sahrian and Law, State Islamic Universty of Sunan Ampel Surabaya by carrying out "The Dialectical Development on Sharia and Law in Indonesia".  This theme will lead us to trace the extent of the development of sharia dialectics, fiqh and Islamic law, with law, positive law and custom, in building a legal culture that is Indonesian nature as well as accommodating and responsive to local issues. This theme is expected to help us to continue  in contributing the best ideas in order to build and foster legal dialectic practices that can accommodate a variety of perspectives, especially related to the rights of minority and oppressed groups.

Published: 2023-08-29

المهر ومنحة الزواج في القانون الليبي

Amirah al-Jildiy Mas'ud, Nurlailatul Musyafa'ah


Utilizing Illegal Land in the Perspective of Indonesia Land Law and Islamic Law

Achmad Asryel Akbar, Alifian Fahdzan Mardany, Siti Nur Wafik Azizih


Abuse Of Police Authority in The Perspective of Administrative Legal Functions

Risma Yogi Safitri, Wiwik Andriyani², Muhammad Jihbidz Haq


Abortion in the Perspective of Positive Law and Islamic Law

Dinda Fajarohma fajarohma, Hana Sabilillah, Jundullah Faqihudin Ramadhan


Sharia Tourism Development Potential in Lunci Beach District, Sukamara District

Normanisa, Ibnu Elmi AS Pelu, Laili Wahyunita, Nur Rizky Aulia Rahmah


Online Sexual Harassment in the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law

Ayu Romadina, Dinda Ayu Wulandari, Hamidah Wahyu Putri Nagari


Study Experience of Indonesian Students in Egypt in the Perspective of Maqāṣid Al-Sharī'ah

Auliya Ghazna Nizami Ghazna, Gatralina Sekar Harum Ael Yanda, Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid
