Original title : Prosiding Seminar Internasional Syariah dan Hukum
English Title : Proceeding of International Conference on Sharia and Law
Short title : Proceeding of ICoSLaw
Abbreviation : ICoSLaw
Frequency : 1 issue per year
Number of articles per issue : 10-50 research articles and reviews per issue
DOI : -
ISSN : - (Printed); - (Online)
Editor-in-Chief : Marli Candra
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Language : Arabic, English and Bahasa Indonesia
Citation Analysis : Google Scholars, Indonesia Onesearch (IOS)
Subject Area; Category : Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Economic Law, Family Law, Islamic Astronomy, and Comparative Madhahib and Law
Discipline : Law, Islamic Astronomy, Islamic Schools, Islamic law, Islamic Thought.

All submitted papers are subject to review of the editors, editorial board, and blind reviewers. Submissions that violate our guidelines on formatting or length will be rejected without review.