Students’ Perception Towards English Day Program in Speaking Skill Development

  • Fatika Hikmah Maulidiyah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Nadya Fitri Afifa UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


The English Day Program (EDP) is one of the strategies used by schools to achieve communicative speaking activities in the classroom or in the school as a whole. This study aims to determine whether the English Day
program can develop students' English-speaking skills. This study uses a survey as a research method by using a questionnaire as an instrument. A questionnaire was distributed to a total of 30 students who were selected using
a sampling technique. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Jombang which is a favorite school that has an English Day program in it. The results of the study found that: 10 positive statement items indicating the total column
of the Agree section which shows the number 125 and the Strongly Agree column which shows the number 57, 2 items show the total column of the
Agree section which shows the number 27 and the Strongly Agree column which shows the number 23, and it can be concluded that students' perception towards English Day program in students' speaking skill development is
positive perception.
