About the Journal

Proceedings of ICONICS is a published version of the papers of International Conference on Islamic Counseling Studies (ICONICS) . This proceeding was published by the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Program of the UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia.

The aims of ICONICS include:
1. Share ideas, creativity and innovation regarding the concepts and practices of guidance, counseling and psychotherapy based on Islamic values amidst the rapid advances in digital technology.
2. Become an effective forum for dialogue on psychological issues and problems that occur in society, which is attended by experts, academics, researchers, practitioners and the public who are interested in the field of guidance, counseling and Islamic psychotherapy.
3. Develop an understanding of Islamic guidance, counseling and psychotherapy which upholds the values of rahmatan lil alamin as an instrument in producing professional counselors in order to build mental well-being and harmony in global life.