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  • Proceedings Of International Conference On Islamic Counseling Studies (ICONICS)
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  • Konferensi Nasional Adab dan Humaniora (KONAHUM)
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  • Proceedings of Sunan Ampel International Conference of Political and Social Sciences
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Islamic Civilization and Humanities
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Halal Food and Health Nutrition
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  • Proceeding of International Conference on Sharia and Law
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature
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  • Proceedings of Annual Conference on Islamic Educational Management
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Da'wa and Communication
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  • Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya di Era Milenial
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  • International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion
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  • Proceedings of Annual Conference on Community Engagement
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  • Proceedings of International Conference on Muslim Society and Thought
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