Arabic Language in The Digital Era 4.0 and Implications for Learning Arabic in Madrasah

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Fitri Setyorini
Edo Kurniawan
Dzul Aziz Al Hasby
Kautsar Akhdan Yogaiswari


According to current language theory, no language is better than another. Conversely, language can be superior to other languages due to its historical worth and the evolution of ideas and culture. Arabic is the language of the Qur’an, which has a unique attribute in that it is the word of God personally provided by the Prophet Muhammad, making the Qur’an a God-given miracle that still survives today. Arabic is superior to other languages not only as a religious language but also contains unique linguistic characteristics. Aside from that, learning Arabic in schools in the digital era is currently undergoing changes due to the use of technology in learning. The existence of this digital era, the survival of the Arabic language, and updates in learning mean that the urgency of studying Arabic in the digital era plays an essential part in learning in madrasah. The digital era has ramifications for Arabic education in madrasah.

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How to Cite
Setyorini F., KurniawanE., Al HasbyD. A., & YogaiswariK. A. (2023). Arabic Language in The Digital Era 4.0 and Implications for Learning Arabic in Madrasah. Proceedings of International Conference on Islamic Civilization and Humanities, 1, 395-401. Retrieved from