Proceedings of Annual Conference on Islamic Educational Management <p>Proceedings of Annual Conferenc on Islamic Education Management (ACIEM). is a double-blind reviewed academic proceedings published by Department of Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.<br>ACIEM published be-annual, February and August. It concern in the development of Islamic education. Editors appreciately welcome all public especially academics, researchers, and educators to donate their intellectual dedication in the form of articles to be published in this journal which is original and has not been published in any media. The articles may be written in Indonesian, Arabic, or English. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submission</p> en-US (Arif Mansyuri) (Arif Manysuri) Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Pendidikan Melalui Kinerja Tenaga Kependidikan Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, <p><strong>:</strong> <em>This paper aims to describe the extent to which the performance of Information and Communication Technology-based education personnel in improving the quality of educational services plays a role. Information and communication technology, either directly or indirectly, has made a major contribution in realizing the improvement of the quality of education services. The roles of Information and Communication Technology in improving the quality of educational services are: (1) With the existence of Information and Communication Technology, the work of educational staff in educational institutions can be done on time, so that services can be more optimal, (2) Use of time more efficiently, and minimize mistakes and errors, (3) Information and Communication Technology-based school administration is very helpful in compiling dapodik data, and school archives, (4) Very helpful in filling out report cards (e-raport), (5) Very helpful for parents in terms of registering their children to school, because educational institutions have implemented online New Student Admission, so parents don't have to bother coming to school because they can register online.</em></p> Minnah Elwiddah Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Peran Kepala Madrasah Sebagai Supervisor Dan Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Guru Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Martapura Kabupaten Banjar Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan <p>This paper is the result of a field study conducted by the MPI Study Program Research Team on the role of the Madrasah Head as Supervisor and Teacher Job Assessment at Madrasah Aliyah 1 Martapura, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. The focuses studied include; The role of the Head of Madrasah as a supervisor, the role of the Head of Madrasah in assessing teacher performance and Factors influencing the Head of Madrasah in the Assessment of Teacher Work Performance. The subject of the study was the head of the madrasa as the Top Leader at MAN 1 Martapura. The analysis process is carried out by examining all data generated from interviews, observations and documentation results related to the role of the head of MAN Martapura 1 as Supervisor and assessment of teacher work performance, as well as the factors that influence it. 1 Martapura is quite well implemented with the role of the madrasa head as coordinator, consultant, group leader and evaluator also influenced by several factors, namely educational background, teaching experience, funds and infrastructure. Another finding from the results of this study shows that the success of a madrasa is actually the result of cooperation and shared responsibility of all components in the school, so it is necessary to build synergy in the management of a madrasa. Teacher achievement assessment is very important as a benchmark for teacher achievement.</p> Suraijiah Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Upaya Pencegahan Radikalisme Berbasis Lokalitas Madura Pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (Studi Pada Universitas Trunojoyo Madura) <p>This research is an effort to find out the radicalism movement in state universities and prevention efforts through the process of Islamic religious education at Trunojoyo University, Madura. The research approach method is phenomenology-ethnographic. While based on the scientific field, this research includes education and socio-religious research, namely academic studies of education, social religion and religion. Methods of data collection, by means of observation, interviews, and a series of identification processes. The results showed that First, the learning process of Islamic Religious Education at Trunojoyo University, Madura, was carried out as the coordinator of the General Course, at the Islamic Faculty. In the learning process, in addition to conducting face-to-face meetings in the classroom, there is also an obligation for students to take part in mentoring activities that are carried out outside the classroom, which are used as reinforcement of religious character education for students. Second, the characteristics of the radicalism movement have generally started to grow and have a strong basis among students, and some lecturers. In the framework of further prevention, in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education, including through the counter radicalization movement, namely by approaching and internalizing. As in the matter of how to embody Islam in Indonesia, students are required to analyze how Islamic teachings in the context of modernity and Indonesian-ness by presenting the results of work projects on how to implement Islamic teachings. The second way, including the process of deradicalization, including the efforts built among them are how both lecturers and mentees to spread the moderation aspects adopted, as well as through psychological approaches, both arising from students and from lecturers / education personnel</p> Mukhlishah AM Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rekrutmen, Seleksi Dan Penempatan (Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia) <p><em>Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting applicants to be placed in positions or jobs in and by an organization or company. This process starts when applicants are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a collection of jobseekers to be selected. Selection is an effort made to choose and get workers who have the ability in accordance with the tasks that will be done in an empty position to be filled and occupied. The conformity basically can be known by referring to the job / position description that has been made. Next thing that must be done immediately is placement. Placement is the assignment or reassignment of an employee to his new job.</em></p> Aziza S Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Konseling Islami Dalam Penyelesaian Problema Kehidupan <p><em>Among the problems being faced by humans is widespread poverty. The complexity of problems in daily life continues to grow in accordance with the many conditions encountered. Those problems are in the form of family problems, frustration,fears, econimic competation, to deviant behavior. It could be a problem that arises due to factors in themselves and environment, workplace, partner, to association.One way out (problem solving) will help the problem is counseling. Islamic couenseling is one wise solution because islamic counseling focuses on solving problems from the psychological aspect throught qur’anic therapy and Islamic scienses. Islamic counseling is a form of handing problems that depart from existing problems and are directed throught the way of religious religiosity. In assessing the rpoblems faced, it is better to first examine how Islam views about the problems that exist in humans.once this is understood, it will proceed with arousing self-ability (power self) to solve problems throught a series that will provide a problem solving process. Both of these studies (Islamic counseling and life problems) are two inseparable sides of a coin. Because in counseling the point is problemm solving. Every human being must need these two elements. Becaue Human are creatures that can not be separated from complecitas problem. Anytime, and in any condition there must be a problem. For that, handling the problems must first knows the root of the problem, so that it will facilitate problem solving.</em></p> Andi Suhendra Siregar Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Penciptaan Iklim Dan Etos Kerja Yang Kondusif Dalam Proses Pembelajaran <p><em>The success of teaching a teacher can be determined by several factors, one of the factors that influence the success of teaching a teacher is the work climate or the place where the teacher does the learning process. The working climate as an atmosphere where the teacher does the learning process, needs to be created in such a way that the teacher can feel comfortable, this needs to be done so that the working atmosphere can increase work morale which will ultimately improve teacher performance. At the same time, in addition to the work climate, work ethic is another factor that can improve teacher performance in teaching..</em></p> Erlina Siregar Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pendekatan Client Centered Teraphy <p><em>All the problems of human life, whether phsycal, psychological,, family, social, or religious, demand a solutation. An education counselor is one of the determinants of education direction and aids students problem solving. The success of a learning can not be separated from the role of a counselor, for that reason, so that learning goals in schools in particuler and educational goals in general can be achieved it depends on the quality of the human resource of a counselor. Then in this discussion, counseling is intended as a special service in a direct face-to-face relationship between counselor and client. In this connection the client’s problem is examined and strived for alleviation, as far as possible with the strength of thr fabric itself. In that regard, counseling is consideres as the most important service effort in the implementation of the client problem alleviation function. It is even said that counseling is the “ heart of his heart” a comprehensive guidance service. To be able to master the “heart of heart” guidance, a counselor need to learn, apply, and have extensive experience in counseling service with all the ins and outs ( Prayetno,Erman,2013:289).</em></p> <ol> <li><em>Counseling services are organized officially</em></li> <li><em>Problem boundaries throught counseling</em></li> <li><em>Stages of the effectiveness of alleviating problems throught counseling</em></li> <li><em>Counseling approcaches and theories</em></li> <li><em>Counseling in a different work environment.</em></li> </ol> Erna Hasni Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Supervisi Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Epistemologi Islam <p><em>This paper presents about the supervision of education in the perspective of Islamic epistemology. The changes in an increasingly advanced era makes the school as an educational institution, is required to produce a generation that can answer the needs of the community. To give birth to such qualified generation, of course, can not be separated from the role of educational institutions, and educational personnel who must be qualified. It will be born with the&nbsp; supervision of education, conducted by the duty. The role of the principal as a supervisor is a major role that the principal assumes, as a supporter of the educational process in school. However, the reality that exists, the majority of principals have not understood well related to its role. To provide a deeper understanding of the sources of educational supervision, this paper will explain the supervision of education in the perspective of epistemology, which is one of the branches of philosophy, and examines the origin of an inquiry, in this case the supervision of education. By understanding the source of educational supervision, it is expected that supervisors are able to perform their role well.</em></p> Heriyus Lubis Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Peranan Supervisi Dalam Pendidikan Islam <p><em>The educational supervision or as it is often known as education supervision has a basic concept that is closely related to education. In the basic concept of educational supervision explained a few basics about the concept of supervision in general. While the process of implementing supervision itself is a series that is carried out when supervision is carried out and the effort made by the supervisor in seeing and fostering the entire process of implementing education. In its development, the supervision of education has a good influence on the development of education, especially in Indonesia, especially Islamic education so that the level of professionalism of teachers in teaching can be realized optimally, both in madrasah and religious education teachers in public schools. Therefore, supervision is needed in the education process based on two important things. First, curriculum development is an indicator of educational progress. These developments often lead to changes in curriculum structure and function. Therefore the implementation of the curriculum requires continuous adjustments with real circumstances in the field. Second, the development of personnel, employees, or employees is always a continuous effort in an organization</em><em>.</em></p> Herwadi Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Al-Quran is used as a source of Islamic education and other sciences including Islamic education because the Qur'an has an absolute value derived from Allah (God). Allah who created man and he is the one who educates man, so that the content of education has been buried in his revelations. Therefore, there are no problems including Islamic education issues that have been missed from the reach of the Quran. Human resources of good Islamic education is when the human resources of Islamic education is able to formulate plans ahead and be able to make decisions with policies and practices that are appropriate to the situation and conditions encountered in the world Islamic education, so it can be said that without the existence of reliable resources, then the institution of Islamic education will not mean anything and will not give better effect. Islamic educational institution whatever its name and as great as any program, if not supported by its qualified human resources, then the institution will be a difficult institution to develop and progress the program</em></p> Ikri Malia Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Implementasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Human resource management is one of the areas of general management which includes terms of planning, organizing, implementation and control. Human resources are considered to be an increasingly important role in achieving the objectives, the various experiences and results of research in the field of human resources are gathered systematically in the so-called human resource management. Human resource utilization, is a process of leader activities that intend to employ employees who give enough achievements and do not employ employees who are not useful. Some efforts in improving human resources in Islamic Education: (a) improving the study of religious schools with public universities from basic to college, (b) Establishing coaching of learners Aga to be human Believers and fear Allah to God Yme, as well as religious education play an active role for the development of science and technology, and (c) Higher education religions develop scientific minds in order to understand and internalize and able to Translating religious teachings accordingly and in accordance with people's lives.</em></p> Kaswardi Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan <p><strong>:</strong> <em>In the organizational setting, decision making is the most important part in planning activities. Allowing a decision-making impact on solving problems or even add to the problem. Educational institutions are one part of an organized institutional unit, so there is a decision-making activity carried out by a leader of an educational institution as a manager. In its implementation, decision making is very important in realizing strategic steps in carrying out the planning and activities that will be carried out. Therefore, decision making in the world of education; especially for leaders of educational institutions must be able to choose the right alternative decisions so that the educational organization's goals in improving the performance and quality of education can be achieved optimally.</em></p> Lindarahayu Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Satuan Pendidikan Dalam Konteks Akreditasi Pendidikan <p><em>The great benefits felt by each customer or user of an education unit service, is a manifestation of the quality of the education unit in implementing educational and learning processes. Prioritizing the needs of customers or service users is the reference for the education unit to make changes for the better every time. Educational unit service users are interest groups who really hope that each education unit is able to do the best for the interests of society as users of education services. For this reason, accreditation is important to do so that each education unit meets all the requirements that enable it to have objective, accountable authority and a sense of accountability to its interest groups or stakeholders. This accreditation is carried out to ensure that the community as stakeholders are not ignored by all their interests and needs.</em></p> Malarita Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Management of Islamic education is a process of managing Islamic educational institutions in the Islamic way by getting around the sources of learning and other matters related to achieving the objectives of Islamic education effectively and efficiently. The function of Islamic education management includes; Planning, organizing, directing / leadership, and supervision. Where as a Manager must be able to carry out, manage the process of management functions which include (1) planning, (2) coordination / organization, (3) direction, (4) control / supervision and (5) evaluation / assessment. Leadership is an effort someone in influencing others to do something for the sake of the realization of desires or goals that have been set together consist of : the existence of a group of people, the goals to be achieved, working together. Islamic education is the formation of the character of children to become human beings who have a morality so that in everyday life they get happiness, peace, and can reflect behavior in accordance with Islamic ways which is based on the Qur'an, Sunnah&nbsp; and Ijtihad</em></p> Miswanto Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Di Man Binjai <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of group guidance to improve students' interpersonal communication skills. The research method used is Quasi experimental design nonequivalent control group design. The experimental group received treatment in the form of 6 group counseling sessions held twice a week. The control group did not receive treatment. The population in this study was the X grade students of MAN Binjai Science Department in the year 2018. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling in the form of purposive sampling. The male students who were sampled in this study were 10 people with interpersonal communication skill scores in the low category. The instrument used in determining the sample of this study was an instrument of interpersonal communication skills with four choices in the Likert scale model consisting of 42 valid items with reliability using Cronbach's alpha of 0.813. Statistical data analysis techniques were performed using descriptive statistics using empirical means to see the average pretest and posttest scores in the experimental and control groups. Hypothesis testing results indicate that the Asymp value. Sig of 0.000, which means through the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the interpersonal communication skills of male students sig &lt;0.05, It means that the increase in interpersonal communication skills of class X MAN Binjai Department of Science treatment group is higher than the control group. The implication of the results of the study is to help improve interpersonal communication skills of class X students at MAN Binjai Science Department</em></p> Muhammad Irwansyah Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Dalam Meningkatkan Komunikasi Teman Sebaya Di Mas Pab Sampali <p><em>This type of research in this paper is a descriptive qualitative research field. The informants in this study are divided into two, namely key informants and informants and key data collection techniques using data collection tools namely observation interview documentation while data analysis of the results of this study is based on analysis. Consists of three analytical flows that interact, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The purpose of this study 1) to find out the implementation of guidance service for MAS PAB Sampali. 2) to find out peer communication before group guidance is done at the MAS PAB Sampali. 3) to know the communication of peers after the group guidance is done at the MAS PAB Sampali. From the result of the study namely the implementation of guidance and counseling services include the provision of group guidance services in the from of communication at school are implemented both programmed and in accordance with student needs. In accordance with the purpose of group guidance services namely to be able to add insight to understanding to know certain ways or habits through learning activities.&nbsp;</em></p> Nurlia Mona Safitri Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Konselor Dalam Meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Smk Al-Washliyah Melalui Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling <p><em>This research uses the method. Data was collected using observations and interview techniques. In analyzing data researchers used qualitative analysis techniques with steps of data exposure, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. The problem in this study is the low level of human resources in Al-Washliyah senior high school.The objectives of this study are 1) what is the cause of the low level of human resources in Al-Washliyah senior high school. 2) counseling guidance theachers efforts in increasing student learning interest in order to improve the human resources at Al-Washliyah senior high school. 3) how to create a high quality tablespoons at Al-Washliyah senior high school. 4)what are the supporting and inhibithing factors of the guidance counseling theacher in increasing the tablespoons at Al-Washliyah senior high school.Based on the results of the study it was found that the level of human resources in Al-Washliyah senior high school was not good enough. This was based on many things. One of them was due to the lack of awareness of the importance of quality human resources in school facilities that did not support the lack of motivation and enthusiasm of students in learning which resulted in human resources in Al-Washliyah senior high school.</em></p> Riswan Hadi Lubis Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam <p><strong>:</strong> <em>Leadership is the ability and readiness possessed by one to be able to influence, encourage, invite, guide, move and if necessary to compel others to accept that influence, and then to do something can help achieve specific objectives. Its inherent leadership relates to human energy, only in organized groups, and as a force or potential. In addition to the characteristics of a leader in the leadership of Islamic education, among others, it has sufficient knowledge and ability to control the institution or organization, enabling more privileges than others, understand the habits and language of the person responsible have a charism or authority before men or others, gently and affectionate to his subordinates, that others be sympathetic to him, deliberation with their followers and ask their opinions and experiences, have power and influence that can reign and prevent because a leader must control supervision over the work of the member, straighten the confusion, and invite them to do good and melt the evil, and be willing to hear Advice and not arrogant, because the advice of a sincere person.</em></p> Rusli Kembaren Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluasi Program Kecakapan Hidup Di Sumatera Utara (Studi Kasus Sanggar Kegiatan Batu Bara) <p><em>In This research aims to evaluate: (1) long-term results of life proficiency programs, (2) Medium term results of life proficiency programs, (3) results of a live proficiency program, (4) The process of life proficiency programs, (5) input of life proficiency programs in the SKB coal. This research is a type of evaluation study that refers to the concept of Logical Framework Models. The results of this research show: (1) The long-term results of bridal makeup courses and computers have been achieved according to criteria but not on sewing courses. (2) The medium-term results of the bridal makeup course and the computer have been accomplished according to success criteria but not on the sewing course. (3) The result of the bride and computer makeup course has been achieved according to success criteria but not on sewing course. (4) The process has not been fully implemented optimally, namely the socialization of activities using Internet media is not optimal as well as monitoring and evaluation activities have not been conducted thoroughly. Monitoring and evaluation is limited only to the evaluation of the learning, and does not include monitoring and evaluation on the level of the program (5) Inputs have not fully supported the implementation of activities, especially related to the problem of provision of and funding activities.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Program Evaluation, Life Skill, Coal Workshop</em><em>.</em></p> Umi Ningrum Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Kepala Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan SDM Lembaga Pendidikan Islam <p><em>The principal has a very important role to improve the quality of the institution he leads. The principal is the person who leads an organization or institution for teaching and learning and a place to receive and give lessons that are responsible to all people they lead. The principal is also very decisive in improving the quality of human resources (HR). Moreover, in Islamic education institution, one of the factors to consider is human resources, namely people or individuals who provide energy, talent, and creativity as well as efforts for the progress of the organization concerned. Therefore, every school is required to always pay attention to these aspects and not just technological and economic aspects in every business.</em></p> Wirda Hasanah Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pendidikan Karakter Di Madrasah <p><em>The character has suddenly become a warm discourse in the Indonesian education world. Although the idea of character happenings is an old idea, as old as education history, but the emergence of the idea of "character education" interfered with our nation, especially those who are engulfed in Indonesia. Problems that occur such as violence, corruption, manipulation, the practices of lies in the educational world ranging from cheating in the exam to plagiarism, lack of precision among the leaders of the nation, and so on, in fact concerns about character problems. Although it is too late in implementing character education in the school, "But late than never", there are still many generations of students who are sitting in the schools and need character education in the future to be a person who is not only intelligent Intellect but also has a character. The education is also to build ethics and manners in life. The character restrictions are in two areas. It is believed to exist as human-nature, while on the other hand it is believed to be "formed" through education, one of them through character education in the school. The implementation of education character in the alternative is presented by bidding with the Formula 4 M (knowing, loving, wanting and working, also with habituation method. In addition through methods of teaching, transparency, determining priority and practice priorities.</em></p> Zainal Arifin Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah Dalam Peningkatan Mutu <p><em>Leadership is one of the factors that determine the vision, mission and goals of an institution or organization. In the context of Islamic educational institutions, the components that become the driving force of this leadership are the principal, teachers, staff and all elements of education. In this paper, the authors explain what is the leadership and task of leaders in improving the quality of education, policies about leaders who use several factors such as knowledge, knowledge, challenges and interests. Therefore, it becomes interesting if this leadership is needed to make the basic values ​​of knowledge to increase deeper about leadership in improving quality in Islamic educational institutions.</em></p> Amril Mustofa Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Gaya Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Effective leadership is leadership that can organize work well so that it can be carried out as planned. The better the leadership style and the ability of the leader to organize the work, the better the performance of subordinates. The leadership style will make the task run better and fostering relationships with subordinates will be more effective in achieving daily tasks. Leadership style shows the ability of a leader to be able to optimally increase organizational achievement.</em></p> Annisa Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat Dalam Pandangan Al Qu’ran <p><em>Public relations with certain institutions, especially educational institutions, is a deliberate effort, planned continually to establish and foster mutual understanding between the organization of educational institutions and Society. Public relation is a center of activities that covers many areas and efforts that are integrated with the community. The covering the work relationship between human scope, human relationships with social media and tools, expertise in using it and selecting communication tools and The right mass media.</em></p> Arianto Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Organisasi Pendidikan <p><em>HR development is very necessary because it has important aspects for increasing HR productivity and also has certain goals which must be achieved for the progress and improvement of HR performance. HR development is basically done so that every organization's personnel become skilled people in carrying out their main tasks, through a fundamental understanding of the vision, mission, goals, targets and targets set by the organization and must be achieved with maximum and optimal results.</em></p> Hamsar Harahap Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sekolah Yang Berorientasi Budaya Mutu <p><em>Organizational culture is a pattern of beliefs and values ​​(values) of the organization that are understood, imbued and practiced by the organization so that the pattern gives its own meaning and becomes the basis for rules of behavior (individuals and groups / units) in the organization. In the context of schools, the culture of quality-based school organizations is very much determined by leadership and managerial behavior in anticipating various problems and obstacles that arise as a result of external adaptation and internal integration that are running quite well in directing organizational behavior to focus on quality. Quality culture in schools can be manifested in the fields of curriculum / teaching, staffing, student affairs, finance, facilities and infrastructure, relations with the community with standard management standards in its achievement to provide customer satisfaction, and the best service so as to produce superior graduate products and best services towards school stakeholders.</em></p> Haris Alfuadi Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan <p><em>Leadership is the ability that exists in a leader in the form of certain traits, such as: Personality, Ability, and Capability. Leadership is a series of leader activities that cannot be separated from the position, style and behavior of the leader, as well as interactions between leaders, followers and situations. The education leader in this case is the principal as the person responsible for the implementation of education and teaching in educational institutions, must have the readiness and ability to arouse personal enthusiasm for work. This research was conducted to find the principal's leadership system in improving the quality of education in SDN No. 014727 Coal Cracker. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection is taken from interviews, observations and documentation which are all collected and analyzed to answer the research problems proposed by researchers in the focus of the study. The informants of this study are the Principal, Vice Principal in the field of curriculum, deputy headmaster in student affairs, deputy headmaster in facilities &amp; infrastructure and teachers. The Principal tries to manage and oversee the administration of student, teaching, staffing, finance as well as facilities and infrastructure as well as possible. As a supervisor the school principal tries to help supervise his staff in developing programs, enhance teaching skills and skills, and conduct evaluations continuously.</em></p> Hawana Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Peranan Guru Bk Untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pembelajaran Siswa Melalui Layanan Informasi Di Mts. Yapi Bkai <p><em>The type of research in writing is descriptive qualitative research. As for the informants in this study were principals, subject teachers, counseling teacher, and student. This data collection technique uses data colltection tools, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. While the analysis of the data from the result of this study was conducted based on descriptive analysis, the analysis consisted of three flow of analysis that interacted namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The objectives of this study are : 1) To describe what role counseling teachers do to improve student learning effectiveness through information services at MTs. YAPI BKAI Sei Karang. 2). To find out how information service are implemented to improve student learning effectiveness through information services at MTs. YAPI BKAI Sei Karang. 3). To find out what are the inhibithing factors of counseling tutors to improve student learning effectiveness through information service at MTs YAPI BKAI Sei Karang. After the research was conducted, the results showed that the role of counseling services and still use the counseling teachers at MTs YAPI BKAI Sei Karang had not run effectively because there were no special counseling hours to conduct guidance and counseling service and still use the counseling&nbsp; method at empty hours. Then the implementation of information services at MTs. YAPI BKAI Sei Karang has also not been implemented properly and effectively because counseling tutors still provide information service in a classical manner which is like preparing service material about learning effectiveness. Then the inhibiting factor was the implementation of counseling at MTs. YAPI BKAI Sei Karang because there were more students in the school than those who were more students in the school than those who were supposed to be foster counselors and also inadequate facilities and infrastructure that support the counseling activities at MTs. YAPI BKAI Sei Karang</em></p> Hilda Rahayu Daulay Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Perencanaan Kurikulum <p><em>Curriculum planning involves a series of organizational methods that are focused on achieving optimal student understanding. Educators are usually responsible for ensuring that their curriculum planning meets the educational needs of students. Students receive new knowledge, attitudes and skills information that changes their behavior to better learning as evidence of implementing the established curriculum</em>.</p> Khairunnisa Batubara Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Penjamin Mutu External Di Lembaga Pendidikan <p><em>The quality of education relates to the achieved or absence of national educational objectives as stated in the LAW No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system. Therefore, the quality of education can be said whether it meets the national standards of education. Fulfilled the minimum education standard which is the national standard of education is a prerequisite to improve the quality of education including Madrasah. The reality that arises that the quality of education in Indonesia is still quite far from what is expected, let alone quality in most madrasah are still many obstacles. Many madrasas who have not fulfilled the national standards of education, such as educators and educational personnel who have not fulfilled the qualifications and competence standardised, as well as inadequate facilities and infrastructure. This article aims to describe how the role of education quality assurance system in improving the quality of education in the Madrasah.</em></p> Novita Sari Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Dan Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Leadership is a conscious effort undertaken by a person (leader) to be able to realize the objectives of the organization through others by providing motivation so that others will implement it, and therefore it is necessary balance between the individual needs of the executive. A leader must certainly understand and understand the fundamentals of leadership in order to be a leader, whether in small scope, such as family, discussion leaders, etc. as well as leaders in large scope such as leaders oganizations, religious leaders, country leaders and so on. However there are several issue. The education is a process of mentoring, educating that is given intentionally towards students by adults to achieve the goal of the education itself. Islamic education is the establishment of a personality to be a human beings who have the karimah to be in the daily life to get happiness, tranquility, and can reflect the behavior according to the Shari'ah Islam that is sourced in the Qur'an, Sunnah Rasul and Ijtihad. The education leadership is the ability to drive educational implementation to achieve educational objectives. This understanding is in line with the angle of leadership philosophy that in fact uphold the principle of humanity (human relationship).</em></p> Nurhayati Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Supervisi Dalam Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Educational institutions in Indonesia are sheltered and controlled by two ministries where public schools are controlled by the Ministry of National Education while religious schools, in this case madrasas are controlled by the Ministry of Religion. However, this educational institution will always receive supervision where the supervisory public schools are from the Ministry of Education except for the PAI teacher and the Madrasah supervisors from the Ministry of Religion. The effective functioning of an educational institution both public education and religious education or Madrasa can not be separated from the active role of a supervisor, because in fact the supervisor will always control the course of education in the school or madrasa institution with a careful session. All forms of oversight carried out aim that an education that takes place at educational institutions runs according to the direction and objectives of the education curriculum both locally and nationally. All supervision activities carried out by a school supervisor are expected to all lead to improving the quality of the school and education in general, and specifically supervision aimed at improving the quality of the school in terms of management is called managerial supervision. This is certainly no less important than academic supervision whose targets are teachers and learning. Without good school management, a climate would not be created that would allow teachers to work well. Therefore this paper will discuss and recognize several managerial supervision methods</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Nuri Rahmadani Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Layanan Informasi Terhadap Pengenalan Lingkungan Belajar Siswa Di Mal Uin-Su Medan <p><em>Guidance and counseling on the introduction of the learning environment that occurs in students of MAL UIN North Sumatra Medan. The information service provided is to introduce and convey a number of information needed by students, especially those relating to the introduction of the learning environment so that students can participate in learning activities as well as possible. The subjects of this study were students of MAL UIN North Sumatra TP 2016/2017, the total number of which consisted of class X, XI and XII, the total was 308 students. Meanwhile, as a sample, one class was taken, namely X.2 as many as 48 people. The data collection instrument used in addition to observations, interviews and document studies used a questionnaire regarding the implementation of information services (30 questions) and the introduction of the learning environment (32 questions), while the data analysis technique used specifically regarding the correlation between the implementation of information services and the introduction of the learning environment was Product Moment correlation technique. After analyzing and calculating the correlation between information services and the student learning environment, rxy = 0.648, the level of this relationship is included in the category of moderate relationship level interval. To find out whether the correlation between the information service variable and the student learning environment variable is accepted or not, the rcount value is compared with the rtable value. The rtable value for n=48 and the significance level of = 5% is 0.284. The value of rcount &gt; rtable value or 0.648 &gt; 0.284, it can be concluded that information services have a significant relationship with the learning environment of MAL UIN North Sumatra students. So from the results of the calculation of the coefficients above, it can be seen that 41.96% of the student learning environment of MAL UIN North Sumatra is influenced by information services and the remaining 58.04% is a factor from outside this research.</em></p> Nursyahfitri Simangunsong Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Supervisi Dalam Pendidikan Islam <p><em>Supervision has a basic concept that is interrelated with education or commonly called supervision. In the basic concepts of supervision of basic education some are about the concept of supervision. While the process of supervising is a series of compilation of supervision carried out and the efforts made by supervisors in seeing and fostering the whole process of implementing education. In its development, the supervision of education gives good to the development of special education in Indonesia, especially Islamic education so that the level of professionalism of teachers in teaching is done well, both in madrasas and religious education teachers in schools. Therefore, supervision is needed in the education process based on two important things. First, curriculum development which is the progress of education. These developments often occur changes in structure and function of the curriculum. Therefore, the implementation of an approved curriculum is continuous with real conditions in the field. Second, the development of personnel, employees, or employees is always a continuing effort in an organization.2 This journal discusses the nature of Islamic education supervision, the urgency of Islamic education supervision, the objectives and principles of Islamic education supervision, and the supervision and change of Islamic education.</em></p> Renny Mayasari Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Pendidikan <p><em>Human Resources (HR) has a significant role in every activity in an institution including educational institutions. HR must be able to be managed or managed properly in accordance with their functions so that these human resources. HR can play a role in accordance with their duties and functions in the institution they are involved in. HR management is a very important aspect in the education process in general. Therefore functions in the management of human resources must be carried out optimally so that the needs relating to the goals of individuals, organizations /institutions, organizations or institutions can be achieved. Besides that, with good human resource management procedures, it is expected that the shortcomings and problems faced by the Indonesian people, namely related to the ability of competitiveness can be overcome.</em></p> Shopiana Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Strategi Kepala Kementrian Agama Kabupaten Pangandaran Dalam Mengembangkan Kurikulum Darurat Diniyah Takmiliyah Di Pangandaran Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 <p><em>The world order has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic, cultural, political, social and education sectors have been affected by the COVID-19 impact. Education is the main mouthpiece in improving human resources. Superior resources will give birth to superior products. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic requires the government, especially the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and the Ministry of Religion to conduct studies related to education policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used qualitative research methods. Qualitative methods emphasize the observation of events and enter into the substance of the meaning of each event. Qualitative research is focused on human elements, objects, and institutions, as well as relationships or interactions between elements in an effort to understand an event, behavior, and event or activity. The strategy of the Pangandaran Regency Ministry of Religion in developing the diniyah takmiliyah curriculum is to coordinate with supervisors, madrasa heads in Pangandaran Regency. The implementation of the diniyah curriculum development during the COVID-19 period was based on the decision of the directorate of Islamic education number 2791 of 2020 instructing to develop curriculum in madrasas. The development of the diniyah takmiliyah curriculum in the Pangandaran district is based on the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM), Character Survey and Learning Environment Survey which is charged to supervisors and madrasa heads.</em></p> Dasep S. Ubaidillah, Irpan Ilmi Copyright (c) Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation Of Strategic Management During The Covid-19 Pandemic <p><em>The research’s aim is to describe the Implementation of Strategic Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic in SMAN 1 Wajo. Good Strategic Management will support the success of the school in achieving the schools’ vision that has been designed. In the process of compiling, there are several stages including Formulating, Implementing, and Evaluating. This study is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach that uses interviews, observations, and documentation in data collection techniques. Data processing is done through data analysis of the interactive analysis model from Miles &amp; Hubberman, namely: reducing data, presenting data, and concluding or continuously verifying, in the form of cycles. The results of the study found that the Implementation of Strategic Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic in SMA Negeri 1 Wajo went well and adapted to the changing conditions of the learning process as the result of online learning policies in achieving the goals set in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. The strategic formulation process begins with composing vision and mission, SWOT analysis and making short, medium and long term strategic plans. School strategic management is applied to the National Education Standards, then evaluated every two weeks by the principal which is presented at school meeting held at the end of month. The challenges in the implementation process are the lack of student motivation in participating in the Study From Home process during the pandemic as well as teacher discipline in teaching, parents economic level and the Covid-19 clusters in Wajo Regency.</em></p> St. Syamsudduha, Ridwan Idris, Mardhiah, Akbar Fajrin Copyright (c) Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Urgensi Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Kesehatan Mental <p><em>Mental health disorders are the main obstacle to the growth and development of students in the educational process and reaching a period of need for support from the family, school environment, and community to minimize the presence of students with health problems. Islamic educational institutions have a role in the management aspect, which can be carried out in stages according to the needs and goals set. This paper aims to describe the management of Islamic educational institutions based on mental health. The research method uses a literature study approach. Management in planning carried out by Islamic educational institutions is early detection of mental disorders of students and parents as a prevention effort, while promotive efforts are by conducting socialization about the dangers of stress, depression, emotional, and communication disruption. Building communication and collaboration with parents, medical personnel, counseling teachers, psychiatrists, and psychology is more important to map students at risk of health problems. The implication is that it is necessary to carry out periodic and continuous promotive and preventive activities to minimize students from mental disorders.</em></p> Encep Syarifudin Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:55:41 +0000 Manajemen Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia Pada Islamic Boarding School Di Indonesia <h6>Abstrak</h6> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Manajemen Pengembangan tenaga pendidikan dan kependidikan <em>Boarding School </em>MTs dan SMA Al Qur’an Wahdah Islamiyah Kendari. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini terdiri dari pengurus yayasan, kepala MTs dan SMA serta Guru dan pembina <em>Boarding School </em>MTs dan SMA Al Qur’an Wahdah Islamiyah Kendari sebagai informan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) Pengumpulan data, 2) Reduksi data, 3) Penyajian data, dan 4) Penarikan kesimpulan serta verifikasi data. Pengujian keabsahan data yang diperoleh dilakukan pemeriksaan keabsahan dengan triangulasi: sumber, teknik dan waktu pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan pada MTs dan SMA Al Qur’an Wahdah Islamiyah Kendari dimulai dari kegiatan perencanaan, prengorganisasian pegawai, pengembangan dan pengawasan tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Manajemen, Pengembangan, Boarding School</em></p> Akib, Syarifuddin La Tiga Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Strategi Manajemen Humas Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Penurunan Citra Lembaga Di Mata Publik <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan strategi manajemen humas lembaga pendidikan Islam setelah pandemi. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (<em>library research</em>). Metode yang digunakan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa untuk mengatasi masalah penurunan citra lembaga di mata publik adalah menyelesaikan masalah dengan mengembalikan nama baik lembaga melalui perbaikan program berkesinambungan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah strategis manajemen humas.</p> Mardiah Astuti Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:01:55 +0000 Gaya Kepemimpinan Kyai Dalam Membentuk Kemandirian Santri (Studi Kasus Di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka) <p><em>The purpose of this research to known leadership style kyai in forming independence santri</em> <em>in a cottage boarding Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka</em><em>. </em><em>This study was a case study descriptive qualitatif study, using in-depth observation data collection, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The technique of checking the validity of the data is by the test of reliability, transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. The techniq analysis is using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The result of this research was: (1) Leadership style in Raudlatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School Majalengka, has a charismatic and democratic leadership style, (2) The Efforts made by kyai to establish santri’s independence were: (a) Management of pesantren organizational management, (b) Habitual fulfillment of daily needs, (c) Carry out a variety of skills (d) Riyadhoh, and (e) Cultivating discipline. 3) The independence of students in the Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka Islamic Boarding School is quite good.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words: Kyai's leadership style, students' independence, Islamic boarding school</em></strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan kyai dalam membentuk kemandirian santri di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif studi kasus, menggunakan pengumpulan data observasi mendalam, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengecekan keabsahan data dengan uji <em>kreadibilitas, </em>uji <em>transferability, </em>uji <em>dependability, </em>dan uji <em>confirmability. </em>Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Gaya kepemimpinan di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka, memiliki gaya kepemimpinan karismatis dan demokratis, (2) Upaya yang dilakukan kyai untuk membentuk kemandirian santri terdiri dari beberapa program yaitu: (a) Pengelolaan organisasi kepengurusan pesantren, (b) Pembiasaan pemenuhan sehari-hari, (c) Mengadakan berbagai keterampilan (d) Riyadhoh, dan (e) Penanaman kedisiplinan. (3) Kemandirian santri di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Mubtadiin Majalengka cukup baik.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: Gaya kepemimpinan kyai, Kemandirian santri, Pondok pesantren</strong></p> Ahmad Ripai Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:03:27 +0000 Implementasi Penggunaan Sistem Aplikasi Guru Surabaya (Siagus) Dalam Pencairan Tunjangan Kinerja (Tukin) Guru Di Dinas Pendidikan Kota Surabaya <p><span class="fontstyle0">In the current era of science and technology is growing very rapidly, the Surabaya City<br>Education Office has now created new innovations to facilitate the performance of educators.<br>Surabaya Teacher Application System is an internet-based support facility and a network of data<br>management procedures developed in an educational institution organization in Surabaya City.<br>This article aims to describe the influence of the use of the Surabaya Teacher Application System<br>(SIAGUS) on teacher performance allowance (TUKIN) in the Surabaya City Education Office<br>that supports teacher performance. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research<br>with the direct object of teachers in the Surabaya education office. The main findings in this study<br>are the implementation of the Surabaya Teacher Application System (SIAGUS) application in the<br>disbursement of performance allowances (TUKIN) in terms of ease of administrative services, the<br>fulfillment of teacher rights in Surabaya, and the increasing motivation of teachers in Surabayai</span></p> Arif Mansyuri, Jamalia Jamalia, Assis Faizul Anany, Isma Indra Wahidatun Nisa Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan (Simdik) Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Provinsi Jambi In Pondok Pesantren <p>This study describes the implementation of an education management information system in improving the quality of MAN education in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province. The Education Management Information System was developed to meet the needs of madrasah/school institutions, where schools require the management of computerized academic activities as a contribution to improving the quality of madrasah/school services as well as in order to facilitate and expedite the teaching and learning process of schools and school services. This study uses a qualitative approach by using observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of an education management information system at MAN in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jmabi Province is in the form of utilizing an application system consisting of teaching and educational staff services by empowering the SIMPATIKA application (Information System for Educators and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Religion), e-learning applications. -learning, BNI eduPATROL application, fingerprint application for both teachers and students and web-based application for new student admissions (PPDB). There are several supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of SIMDIK at MAN in Tanjung Jaung Barat Regency, Jambi Province, namely the availability of information system facilities and obstacles in human resources and technical errors as well as student obstacles in participating in learning with the application.</p> Ahmad Ridwan Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:11:06 +0000 Implementasi Pendidikan Multikultural Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Baqiyatush Shalihat Tanjung Ketahanan Nasional Jabung Barat Ikhitar Membangun Ketahanan Nasional <p>This paper aims to provide a solution regarding the implementation of multicultural education at the Al-Baqiyatush Islamic Boarding School Shalihat Tanjung Jabung Barat in an effort to build national resilience. The method used is qualitative (qualitative research). The resulting findings indicate that the national resilience of the Indonesian nation is currently fragile due to differences that are not handled properly. Therefore, multicultural education from the Islamic perspective must be a solution to strengthen the Indonesian nation, for that multicultural education is needed that is in accordance with Islamic teachings so that it does not deviate and does not cause unrest. the implementation of multicultural education at the Al-Baqiyatush Islamic Boarding School Shalihat Tanjung Jabung Barat endeavors to build national resilience is through coexistence with the community, tolerance and mutual respect, prioritizing deliberation, promoting brotherhood and togetherness, promoting trust.</p> Kasful Anwar Us., Fathul Anwar Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:12:08 +0000 Analisis Internal Dan Eksternal Pendidikan Islam Menuju Globalisasi Pendidikan <p>This paper aims to provide a solution regarding the implementation of multicultural education at the Al-Baqiyatush Islamic Boarding School Shalihat Tanjung Jabung Barat in an effort to build national resilience. The method used is qualitative (qualitative research). The resulting findings indicate that the national resilience of the Indonesian nation is currently fragile due to differences that are not handled properly. Therefore, multicultural education from the Islamic perspective must be a solution to strengthen the Indonesian nation, for that multicultural education is needed that is in accordance with Islamic teachings so that it does not deviate and does not cause unrest. the implementation of multicultural education at the Al-Baqiyatush Islamic Boarding School Shalihat Tanjung Jabung Barat endeavors to build national resilience is through coexistence with the community, tolerance and mutual respect, prioritizing deliberation, promoting brotherhood and togetherness, promoting trust.</p> Lukman Hakim, Nuryakhman Copyright (c) 2021 Lukman Hakim, Nuryakhman Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Supervisi Dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (Studi Kasus Di Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta) <p>Education Supervision, also known as education supervisor, has a basic concept related to education. Basic Concepts of Educational Supervision explains some of the basic concepts of supervision. The process of implementing supervision is a series that is carried out during supervision and is the supervisor's effort to observe and encourage the entire process of implementing education.</p> <p>The development of supervision has had a positive impact on the development of education, especially in Indonesia, especially in the Islamic education system, so that the level of teacher expertise in the field of education has been successfully implemented both in madrasas and in religious teacher schools. Is. Therefore, an educational process based on these two important things requires supervision. First, curriculum development, which is a sign of progress in education. These developments often lead to changes in the structure and function of the curriculum. Therefore, curriculum implementation requires constant adjustment to the actual situation in the field. Second, staffing, employee, or employee development is always an ongoing effort in an organization. This magazine discusses the nature of Islamic supervision, the urgency of Islamic supervision, the objectives and principles of Islamic supervision, as well as Islamic supervision and its changes. If that helps then I'm happy.</p> Matnur Ritonga, Rokimin Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:17:07 +0000 Manajemen Strategik Pusat Sumber Belajar di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This article reviews the importance of strategic management of learning resource centers in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.</em> <em>The development of information and communication technology has led to new sources of learning in digital form, the use of computers, internet networks and new ways of learning that can do in anywhere at any time.</em> <em>These learning resources require adequate knowledge and skills.</em> <em>With strategic management, hopefully that learning resource centers can answer the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 to provide the learning resources needed while helping students and instructors to be able to use them optimally.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Keywords: strategic manajement of learning recource center, era of the industrial revolution 4.0 </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Artikel ini mengulas mengenai pentingnya manajemen strategik pusat sumber belajar di era revolusi industri 4.0. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memunculkan sumber-sumber belajar baru dalam bentuk digital, penggunaan komputer, jaringan internet serta cara belajar baru yang bisa dilakukan dimana saja kapan saja. Sumber belajar tersebut membutuhkan pengetahuan sekaligus keterampilan yang memadai. Dengan manajemen strategik diharapkan pusat sumber belajar dapat menjawab tantangan revolusi industri 4.0 untuk menyediakan sumber belajar yang dibutuhkan sekaligus membantu peserta didik dan pengajar untuk bisa memanfaatkannya dengan optimal.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Manajemen strategik Pusat Sumber Belajar, Era Revolusi Industri 4.0</p> Pusvyta Sari Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:18:13 +0000 Karakteristik Kepemimpinan Rasulullah Dan Kepemimpinan Di Era Modern Dalam Bidang Pendidikan <p><em>This study aims to determine the analogy of leadership characteristics that have been applied by the Prophet with leadership in the modern era today. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods, this type of research uses library research, while the data collection technique used is M3 (recording, analyzing, and critiquing) a finding. The results of this study show that there is an analogy between the leadership characteristics of the Apostles in the past and the leadership in the modern era at this time. First, the exemplary approach at the time of the Apostles with character-based leaders today where every leader must be able to become uswatun hasanah for each of his followers. Second, community-based leaders in the modern era who are able to provide motivation and build communication with an integrity approach at the time of the Prophet. Third, the democratic approach that existed in the leadership of the Prophet was intelligent in controlling emotions and dealing with problems. With this research, it is hoped that it can contribute to the science of education and hope that every leadership in educational institutions always imitates the characteristics possessed by the Prophet Shallallau 'alaihi wasallam.</em></p> Syahrul Fauzi, Nidaul Fajrin, Zainal Arifin Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Studi Korelasional : Kepuasan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Pada Guru Smp Budi Agung Jakarta <p><em>This study discusses the correlation between the variables of job satisfaction (X<sub>1</sub>) and work motivation (X<sub>2</sub>) with organizational commitment (Y) at Budi Agung Junior High School Jakarta with a sample of 23 teachers. Based on the results of the study, there are several significant correlations 1) there is a positive and significant correlation between (X<sub>1</sub>) and the variable (Y), ry<sub>1</sub> has a correlation value of 0.750 and a coefficient of determination of 0.563 which means that 56.30% of the variance occurs in the variable (Y). ) can be explained in the variance of the variable (X<sub>1</sub>) 2) There is a positive and significant correlation between the variable (X<sub>2</sub>) and the variable (Y), ry<sub>2</sub> has a correlation coefficient value of 0.899 and a coefficient of determination value of 0.808 or 80.80% of the variance contained in variable (Y) can be explained through variable (X<sub>2</sub>) 3) there is a positive and significant correlation between variables (X<sub>1</sub>) and (X<sub>2</sub>) together with variable (Y), the correlation coefficient ry<sub>1,2</sub> is 0.913 and the coefficient of determination is 0.834 which means that 83.40% of the variance in the variable (Y) can be explained by the variance of the variables (X<sub>1</sub>) and (X<sub>2</sub>) together. So it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the variables of job satisfaction and work motivation with organizational commitment both jointly and between variables on teachers at Budi Agung Junior High School Jakarta.</em></p> Farid Fauzi Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pengolahan Bahan Pustaka Perpustakaan Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Gresik <p>Perpustakaan merupakan wahana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatur, mengelola, <br>mengumpulkan serta menyimpan bahan pustaka sehingga dapat dipakai untuk <br>sarana belajar. Maka dari itu pengolahan bahan pustaka sangat diperlukan karena<br>sangat berhubungan dengan kebutuhan pemustaka. Pengolahan bahan pustaka <br>perpustakaan meliputi: 1. Sarana prasarana perpustakaan 2. Pengadaan Bahan <br>Pustaka 3. Inventarisasi 4. Input data. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah <br>kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang <br>digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan di <br>perpustakaan MAN 1 Gresik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana<br>pengolahan bahan pustaka perpustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa <br>pengolahan bahan pustaka di MAN 1 Gresik tergolong Cukup baik. Sarana prasarana <br>perpustakaan tertata dengan baik, sehingga memudahkan dalam hal pengarsipan dan <br>nyaman digunakan. pengadaan bahan pustaka dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua <br>sumber pengadaan. Inventarisasi bahan pustaka juga dilakukan sesuai ketentuan. <br>Input data selain dilakukan secara manual juga dilakukan melalui sistem yaitu <br>menggunakan aplikasi Slims 8 Akasia.</p> Ni'matus Sholihah, Fajar Moh. Fajrul Falah, Latifah Sun'iyah Copyright (c) Fri, 24 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Manajemen Kepala Sekolah dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa melalui Salat Duha di SMP Negeri 1 Soko Tuban Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 <p><em>This paper is a research on the management of school principals in shaping the character of students through prayer at SMP Negeri 1 Soko Tuban. This writing method is descriptive qualitative using a field research approach (field research) through the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that in shaping the character of students through duha prayer through (1) planning is carried out through 2 processes, namely compiling a program of activities and setting goals. (2) Organizing is carried out based on the Decree of the School Principal. (3) Implementation is carried out regularly every morning and in congregation and after the midday prayer students listen to lectures from the teacher. (4) Evaluation by looking at CCTV during the activity, assessing report cards, scoring, and observing changes in student behavior. From the results of the evaluation of the character formed by the duha prayer, namely discipline, honesty, responsibility, and courage. (5) Supporting factors in the formation of student character through duha prayer at SMP Negeri 1 Soko Tuban, namely adequate human resources (HR), complete school facilities and infrastructure, support from all school parties, parents, and the surrounding community, programmed activities, good cooperation between all parties, a high sense of togetherness and kinship. (6) The inhibiting factors are limited control from school after students leave school, the influence of social media, the diversity of student characters that is difficult to regulate, inadequate places for ablution, and a lack of student awareness.</em></p> Alvin Naela, Ahmad Suyanto Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Relasi Bimbingan Yang Ditampilkan Dosen Terhadap Kreativitas Belajar Mahasiswa Prodi Pai Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan Iain Manado <p><em>The formulation of the problem in this study is to determine the extent of the functional relationship between the guidance relations displayed by the lecturer and the creativity of student learning. The method used in this study is the correlational method, which is to see the relationship between the two variables. The technique used is to distribute questionnaires to 96 student respondents of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training from semester 2 to semester 8. It is expected to represent all students in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training as many as 462 people. Academic Year 2018/2019 The analysis used is instrument reliability testing with alpha coefficient analysis where the results obtained variable X is r count = 0.9551 and r list = 0.05 dk 20 is = 0.377. While the variable Y obtained r arithmetic = 0.93 r list = 0.05 dk 20 is r = 0.377, it turns out that r count is greater than r list or 0.93 &gt; 0.377. From the results of testing the first hypothesis and the second hypothesis in the calculation above, it can be concluded that the weight of the relationship between the guidance relationship displayed by the lecturer and the student's creativity of 62% is quite significant and the remaining 38% is influenced by other factors. The results of this study provide information to lecturers in order to create family relationships with students so that students are more active in learning.</em></p> Abd. Latif Samal, Nurhayati, Nasrudin Yusuf Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:50:33 +0000 Manajemen Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 <p><em>This research examines the limited face-to-face learning management during the Covid 19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 3 Maliku, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province as a follow-up to the four Ministerial SKB regulations by reviewing the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring; (2) The research method uses descriptive qualitative; (3) The research subjects were vice principals and teachers; (4) at the planning stage the school has prepared school facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the Covid 19 Health protocol. At the organizing stage the school principal has not carried out supervision or guidance so that the vice principal in the curriculum sector and the teacher council take the initiative to determine school policies and participate in trainings. In stage (Aktuating), based on the implementation of PTM Healthcare protocol, educators also always remind and urge students to adhere to protocol covid 19. Health in order to improve learning related knowledge teachers follow trainings While the monitoring stage <strong>(</strong>Controlling) in the process the implementation of the limited PTM, the vice principal together with other teachers enforce disciplinary rules, take action against students who have problems, especially the number of students who work to help their parents so they don't go to school.</em></p> Abdul Gofur, Muzakki, Fahmi, Novita Safitri Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Virtual Supervisi Akademik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Madrasah Aliyah Kota Padang <p><em>During the Covid 19 pandemic, the academic supervision was not carried out properly because 47,5% of the supervision activities were conducted through zoom meeting.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The research method is qualitative-descriptive using NVIVO12 software. This sampling technique is popusive sampling. The number of samples consisted of 40 Madrasah aliyah in the city of Padang with 200 supervisors as participants. Method of data collection with open interviews conducted virtually (Zoom, Google Meet).</em></p> <p><em>The findings indicate that there were sixteen online platforms used in the academic supervision such as Whatsapp group, Zoom, Google Meets, Edmodo, Google Classroom, Video Call, Email, E-Learning, Webex, Facebook, Schoology, Padlet, Microsof Team, Moodle, blog, You Tube. Seen from the percentage of use, Whatsapp platform was most widely used in virtual learning during the COVID 19 pandemic with 51 users or 25.5%, Zoom Meeting 89 or 47,5%, &nbsp;Google Meet 28 or 14.0%, Email 18 or or 9.0%, &nbsp;Microsoft Teams 3 or 1.5%, respectively. The problems faced during this process included unstable signals, limited data package, passive teachers, less supporting school server, low internet </em><em>condition</em><em>,</em><em>&nbsp;and</em><em>&nbsp;less supporting applications. In addition, some supervisors did not fully understand information technology and had difficulties in arranging supervision schedules in some places due to the unexpected electrical problems.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Research location in Madrasah aliyah in the city of Padang</em></p> Hasnawati Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam <p><em>The doctrine of Islamic leadership has long emerged even further before other themes. The doctrine of leadership in Islam is closely related to the purpose of the creation and descent of humans into this world. As creatures who inhabit the earth, humans are burdened with the mandate of istikhlaf. According to A. Hasim, the mandate of istikhlaf (rule of the earth) is not merely a kingdom, power, authority and government, but it is all with the provision that it must be used for prosperity and development in order to prove what God has outlined for humans so that they can walk on it. to the level of perfection. Management of Islamic education is a process of managing Islamic educational institutions in an Islamic way by dealing with learning resources and other related matters to achieve the goals of Islamic education effectively and efficiently. The role and actions of Islamic education leadership in various Islamic education management systems are actually a form of actualization of the values attached to them and become a personality. Therefore, the quality of Islamic education is also measured by the quality of its leaders. Educational leadership is the process of influencing and guiding a leader to educators and education staff to carry out educational and research tasks using existing educational facilities, both individually and in groups, so that educational goals are achieved effectively and efficiently</em></p> Shukatin, Zulqarnain Copyright (c) Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Mereduksi Konflik Dalam Organisasi (Fenomena Konflik Di Lembaga Pendidikan Yayasan <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><strong><em> This study aims to provide an overview of conflicts that occur in organizations, especially in an educational institution under the Foundation. The significance of this research is on conflict management in organizations that need to be understood by school members because conflict has broad implications if it cannot be managed properly. Through a case study approach, participants at the Foundation's educational institutions were willing to be interviewed, including leaders, teachers and representatives of parents. Data collection through semi-structured interviews was conducted to obtain participant views on the conflict theme in the organization. The findings show that in educational institutions at the Foundation, there are several things that cause conflict within the organization, including: communication between leaders and staff, teachers and even parents of students which often does not occur in synchronization, conflict management is still low and dominated by foundations, lack of listening to the aspirations of staff, teachers even parents. The implication of this research is the lack of leadership sensitivity can have a psychological impact on the continuity of the organization which results in the health of individuals in working mentally and physically.</em></strong></p> Ambar Sri Lestari Copyright (c) Mon, 27 Dec 2021 04:21:37 +0000 Hubungan Motivasi Belajar Daring pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Melalui Pola Konsumsi Media sosial TikTok Sebagai Pembelajaran Alternatif <p><em>The availability of a number of social media applications provides easy access for everyone to interact, especially the student segment as part of Generation Z. The social media application TikTok is one of the popular media for sharing short videos from handheld devices. Based on data quoted from Key Market Indicators (KMI) (Dagendart, 2021), the number of TikTok application users in Indonesia has increased significantly from year to year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning is still the main learning model. Certain innovations should be noted so that online learning is more interactive and does not reduce students' motivation to absorb the subject matter. TikTok is here to answer the needs of these students in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. By using correlational quantitative methods, researchers can find out the relationship between media usage patterns of high school students who use TikTok media to carry out alternative learning. It is known that there is a positive relationship between the pattern of middle school TikTok media use and motivation to learn. If the author is able to find a certain relationship between high school students and the alternative learning media based on TikTok video, it will be able to provide a new discourse in the concept of independent learning.</em></p> Herma Retno Prabayanti, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Yahya Ramadoni Copyright (c) Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:25:13 +0000 Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIAKAD) Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Akademik Di Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Khairat Pamekasan <p><em>Academic information system (SIAKAD) is a system used to process data and conduct academic services that involve all academic civitas in higher education utilizing information systems. The use of SIAKAD in tertiary institutions is very essential especially to facilitate services both for operators and for students and lecturers. The aim of this study is to determine (1) the application of SIAKAD at IAI Al-Khairat Pamekasan; (2) the effectiveness of the use of SIAKAD at IAI Al-Khairat; and (3) the obstacles in IAI Al-Khairat Pamekasan in implementing SIAKAD.</em></p> Fauzan, Fajriyah, Nuris Sholeh Copyright (c) Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:33:27 +0000 Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengembangan Mutu Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Sma Al Izzah International Islamic Boarding Shcool (Iibs) Kota Batu <p>The principal's strategy in developing the quality of education is one of the efforts in realizing superior educational institutions. The excellence of educational institutions is one of the main keys in educating the nation's children to enter the global world. Without the provision of quality education, it will be difficult to obtain a generation that is superior and competitive in their field. The purpose of this study was to analyze and find strategies used by school principals in developing the quality of Islamic education at SMA Al Izzah International Islamic Boarding School Batu City. The research method used is a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. While the research paradigm uses interpretive.1). The existence of a communication strategy that aims to carry out a smooth and professional communication pattern; 2) There is a strategy of cooperation, between vice principals (internal) and cooperation with external parties (external). 3). There is a tutoring strategy, to train students to get used to working on predictive questions for the Olympics, national exams and college entrance exams; 4). There is a target deposit strategy, to fulfill the students' memorization of the Qur'an according to their respective grade levels; 5). There is a strategy to enter state universities through the invitation route; 6).The existence of a quality culture strategy to be formedawareness of every school community to improve the quality of the institution; 7). There is an evaluative strategy that aims to find out some breakthroughs so that students can enter state universities (PTN) that are favorite and in demand both nationally and internationally.</p> Nurul Yaqien Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Di Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic has changed face-to-face learning done online. The concept of online learning is related to distance learning. The distance learning process requires careful readiness so that learning objectives can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of distance learning in the Islamic Religious Education study program. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research activity was carried out in the Islamic Religious Education study program at Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University, Tulungagung. The research was conducted for the academic year odd academic period 2020-2021. The participants of this study were 100 students of the Islamic Religious Education study program. Data collection techniques consisted of observation and questionnaires. The data analysis process included data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of distance learning was quite good. There are several improvements related to increasing the digital competence of lecturers so that lectures are more attractive and innovative, providing quotas and internet networks, increasing student motivation to be more active when online learning activities are carried out. The implication of the results of this study is an understanding of the concept of distance learning according to the needs and backgrounds of students.</em></p> Indah Komsyah Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Dec 2021 13:35:27 +0000 Manajemen Pemasaran Pendidikan Tinggi Islam <p>This paper is the result of a field study conducted at one of the Islamic higher education institutions on the island of Bawean, namely STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean. The focuses studied include; Islamic higher education marketing management, Targets to be achieved with Islamic higher education marketing management, and Barriers in implementing Islamic higher education marketing management. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative with interview, observation and documentation techniques in data collection and then analyzed by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions after previously checking the data using persistence of observation, and data triangulation. The results of this study indicate that 1). Islamic higher education marketing management can be carried out smoothly by using a marketing mix strategy, 2). the target to be achieved with Islamic higher education management is to be able to attract a minimum of 200 new students and increase every year and maximal absorption of graduates in the job market according to the profile of the study program achieved., and 3). obstacles in implementing Islamic higher education marketing management consist of internal (college) and external factors (community and graduate users).</p> Muwafiqus Shobri ; Jasmani Jaosantia Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pemimpin Profetik Dalam Memotivasi Kerja Personalia Pendidikan Melalui Pendekatan Spiritual Perspektif Al-Qur’an <p>Manajemen Pendidikan Islam tidak hanya membahas sisi manajerial tanpa memandang perlu pada sisi psikologis seseorang. Kajian tentang manejemen pendidikan dari sudut psikologi sangat penting agar pemimpin dapat memberikan mandat kepada bawahannya sesuai dengan karakter dan kematangan seseorang agar tujuan dari organisasi pendidikan dalam lingkup satuan pendidikan dapat tercapai dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan formulasi baru tentang motivasi kinerja personalia pendidikan melalui pendekatan spiritual berdasar pada Al-Qur’an. serta memberikan pemahaman tentang motivasi kerja yang akan mendongkrak kinerja personalia pendidikan dalam merajut cita-cita satuan pendidikan dari sudut pandang Al-Qur’an. Bagaimana Al-Qur’an memberikan tuntuanan kepada pemimpin dan para personalia yang ada di wilayah pendidikan untuk beraktifitas dengan motivasi tinggi dalam meraih tujuan dan sasaran satuan pendidikan yang telah dicanangkan dan dibebankan kepada para pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam meraih mutu pendidikan Islam yang sesuai tuntunan Al-Qur’an.</p> Hilmi Qosim Mubah Copyright (c) Tue, 28 Dec 2021 13:39:23 +0000 Implementasi Kebijakan Operator Per Jenjang Atau Kecamatan Seksi Pais Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Sidoarjo Dalam Mengelola Guru PAI Se-Kabupaten Sidoarjo <p><em>Operator policy per level or sub-district aims to improve service quality, and GPAI data owned by the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Sidoarjo Regency. The study used descriptive qualitative methods with triangulation data collection techniques and data analysis using Miles and Huberman theory. The policy was taken in 2019 and carried out the first task of tracing GPAI activity data throughout Sidoarjo Regency, then carrying out routine activities of updating EMIS and GPAI SIAGA data throughout Sidoarjo Regency. The result of this policy is that there are around 60 operators per level or sub-district at various levels from kindergarten to high school/vocational school, GPAI data has been neatly and accurately arranged, professional allowances can be received faster than usual, and the active SIAGA account reaches 90%.</em></p> Muh. Khoirul Rifa'i, Nurhana Fakhriyah Imtinan, Febriana Kurnia Dewi Copyright (c) Tue, 04 Jan 2022 03:28:33 +0000 Gaya Kepemimpinan Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Leadership style in Islamic educational institutions is the ability of one's ability to direct, influence, encourage and control other people or subordinates to be able to do any work on their awareness and voluntary in achieving a certain goal. A leader of course must understand and understand the basics of leadership to be a leader, both in a small scope, such as family, discussion leaders, and others as well as leaders in a large scope such as organizational leaders, religious leaders, leaders of the country and so on. As for some of the characteristics of leadership in Islam that must be applied leadership in Islamic educational institutions are: 1) have a good aqeedah, obeying the commands of Allah, 3) have cleanliness of heart, 4) and feel the leadership's perspective is khalifa on earth. The education is a process of guidance, educating intentionally given to students by adults in order to achieve the goals of education itself. Islamic education is the formation of personality to be a person who has a morality so that in everyday life get happiness, peace, and can reflect behavior in accordance with Islamic sharia which is based on the Qur'an, Sunnah Rasul and Ijtihad. Educational leadership is the ability to drive the implementation of education to achieve the objectives of Islamic education in accordance with Islamic values.</em></p> Sumitra Dewi Copyright (c) 2022 Sumitra Dewi Wed, 05 Jan 2022 05:54:53 +0000 Urgensi Pendidikan Islam Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 <p><em>The industrial revolution has transformed the way human work that is initially all-manual now becomes automation/digitisation through innovation and thought that is poured out in real shape. The 4.0 revolution should be balanced with the education system and the increasing potential of self aiming to respond to the era of globalization of the 4.0 industrial revolution, the industrial revolution provides its own benefits to people's lives, while education plays an important role in shaping future generations. With education is expected to produce human quality, responsible and able to anticipate the future especially in the face of the era of this 4.0 industrial revolution. The education in its broad meaning always stimulthreads, accompanying the changes and development of mankind. In addition, efforts education always sends, guiding the change and development of life and life of mankind towards the better.</em></p> Toni Juham Copyright (c) 2022 Toni Juham Wed, 05 Jan 2022 06:03:54 +0000 Karateristik Kepemimpinan Dalam Pendidikan Islam Untuk Menjawab Tantangan Revolusi Industri 4.0 <p><em>Islamic education in Indonesia currently still needs to be added and improved in quality with good prospects in management in an institution as well as intellectual teaching resources as well as quality stakeholders as well as an attractive and comfortable learning environment to run well and optimally. The industrial revolution 4.0 is in a situation to create individual competitiveness both in the fields of science, technology and the ability to synergize in realizing a progressive Indonesia. Therefore, the characteristics of a good and ideal leader by applying four characters are open, loyal, integrity and professional, because this open character is how a leader must always be able to accept criticism and suggestions, loyal character is how the leader can always understand and understand colleagues in the project. In an institution, the character of integrity is a leader who always provides a good and interesting example with the spirit of completing tasks and this professional character is how the leader must be wise and sportsmanship in completing tasks and be able to embrace the stakeholders in the institution with four aspects of character, totality, imaginative and professional. By applying the four characteristics above, it will be able to give birth to a competent leadership figure who will give birth to highly competitive student stakeholders who can change from leadership characteristics in the past so that they can answer the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguo) situation.</em></p> Ari Susandi Copyright (c) 2022 Ari Susandi Wed, 05 Jan 2022 06:08:40 +0000 Dampak Efektivitas Program Sertifikasi Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Di Man 2 Model Medan <p><em>Professional teachers are required to have a minimum academic qualification of bachelor (S-1) or diploma four (D-IV), master competence, have an educator certificate, be physically and mentally healthy, and the ability to realize national education goals. The fact is, the teachers quality and competence in Indonesia is not as expected. In terms of educational qualifications, from 2.92 million teachers, only about 51% have a Bachelor's degree or more and the rest did not have a Bachelor's degree. Likewise from the certification requirements, only around 70.5% of teachers met the certification requirements. This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Teacher Certification Programs in Improving Teacher Professionalism in MAN 2 Medan Model. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The data source is interviews with teacher who is certified both PNS and Non-PNS. Based on the results, the certification by MAN 2 Medan is in line with the aim of teacher certification, that is creating professional teachers. In particular, the desired impact shows that teacher certification enhances the ability and competence of teachers in creating an effective learning environment. The teacher more professional in maintaining the timeliness in classroom and starting lessons in accordance with established learning procedures, and discipline in preparing all learning tools. Teacher certification also improved teacher welfare and dignity as a consequence of the benefits of basic salary every month.</em></p> Zulham Hidayah Pardede Copyright (c) 2022 Zulham Hidayah Pardede Wed, 05 Jan 2022 06:14:49 +0000 Strategi Pembelajaran Tahfidz Al-Qur’an, Pondok Tahfidz Putri Anak-Anak <p><em>This study aims to describe the learning strategy of tahfidz al-Qur'an at Pondok Tahfidz Putri for Yanăbî'ul Qur'an Children in Sambeng Karangmalang Gebog Kab.Kudus. In this study using a qualitative approach, taking the research location at Pondok Tahfidz Putri Anak Yanăbî'ul Qur'an Sambeng Karangmalang Gebog Kab.Kudus. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis with data reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study concluded that the tahfidz al-Qur'an learning strategy had an impact on increasing the success of children in memorizing the Qur'an. The process of learning tahfidz al-Qur'an is carried out using various strategies, including; musyafahah (face to face), takrir, muraja 'ah, mudarasah, test and halaqah method. Inhibiting factors in learning tahfidz al-Qur'an include: for children and converts sometimes they are unable/sick; children mostly like to play and lazy to memorize; long year-end holidays; children's visits by the guardians outside the stipulated hours; affected by the external environment, as a result of the permission to go home not at the time of return.</em></p> Subaidi, Barowi, Sutarno Copyright (c) 2022 Subaidi, Barowi, Sutarno Wed, 05 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Identifying the Emerge of Informal Leadership, In Pondok Pesantren <p>Informal Leadership in Indonesia, especially in Islamic boarding schools, until now there has been no agreement or definition in detail and precisely how informal leadership is organized by the school. This research was conducted with the literature review to see the process of the emergence of Informal Leadership in Islamic boarding schools. In this research literature review found from all the literature that no one has explained how the process of emergence of Informal Leadership. No less important in further research is to examine how to maintain informal leadership. This literature also describes individual competencies, organizational civilization, Specific requirements, trusted leaders, and legitimacy where the variables considered by the author strongly support the process of emergence and how to maintain informal leadership.</p> Akhmad Fauzi Sayuti, Fitri Nur Rohmah Copyright (c) 2022 Akhmad Fauzi Sayuti, Fitri Nur Rohmah Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:16:01 +0000 Metode Diskusi Terhadap Perkembangan Psikomotorik Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo <p>Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kualitas manusia. Sebagai kegiatan sadar akan tujuan, maka dalam pelaksanaannya berada dalam sebuah proses yang berkesinambungan dalam setiap jenis dan jenjang pendidikan, semuanya berkaitan dalam suatu sistem pendidikan yang integral. Pendidikan sebagai suatu sistem tidak lain dari sesuatu totalitas fungsional yang ada dalam sistem tersusun dan tidak dapat terpisahkan dari rangkaian unsur atau komponen yang berhubungan secara dinamis dalam suatu kesatuan. Dari latar belakang di atas timbul suatu permasalahan, sehingga penulis merumuskan masalah tersebut sebagai berikut, 1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan metode diskusi pada mata pelajaran PAI SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo.; 2) Bagaimana perkembangan Psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo.; 3) Bagaimana pengaruh metode diskusi terhadap perkembangan Psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo. Pekembangan Psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo adalah cukup baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa hasil prosentase tentang perkembangan Psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI adalah 80%, yang tergolong cukup baik.Bahwa ada pengaruh metode diskusi terhadap perkembangan Psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMA Jati Agung Sidoarjo. Melihat perubahan nilai awal sebelum menggunakan metode diskusi dan dengan menggunakan metode diskusi.</p> Anny Wahyu Dwi Jayanti , Moch. Zakki Mubarok Copyright (c) Sun, 02 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000