The Significant Role of Employee Assistant Program (EAP) in Company’s Sustainability: Assesing Mental Health Using MMPI 2

  • Meutia Ananda Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Dewi Mayangsari Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Keywords: EAP, mental health assessment methode MMPI 2, Stress Level


The purpose of this study is to describe the mental health condition of the employees in state-owned company, under change management that resulted in notable numbers of identified burnout in employees. The use of Employee Assistant Program (EAP) is important in this particular case to define mental health condition to determine the sustainability aspect of company's strategy. Employee Assistant Program (EAP) is a program that enable human resources professional to assess, to make referral, and offer short-term counseling services to employees (Masi, 1997). This is descriptive quantitative research with using mental health assessment, in particular, Minnessota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI 2). The assessment was conducted in August to September 2022 to 339 employees and measured their stress level with using MPPI 2 test kit. There were 200 non operator staff and 139 operators tested to distinguish how EAP allow a company to reduce absenteeism, motivating employees to increase productivity, and enable them to cope with personal issues that can interfere the work performance. The initial assessment has indicated several stress levels that show the importance of an adequate need assessment. The research result shows a percentage of 24% from non- operator staff are not experiencing stress, 9% having mild stress levels, 9% having moderate stress levels, 7% having severe stress levels and 58% are unidentified. For operator employees, there are 7.9% of them not experiencing stress, 36% having mild stress levels, 25.2% having moderate stress levels, 6.5% having severe stress levels and 24.5 % are unidentified. From the assessment, company can then Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDAC) to support the complete EAP Strategy.


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