Revealing Honesty in Children through Game: A Case Study of Elementary School’s Students in Banda Aceh

  • Afriani Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Syarifah Faradina Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Zaujatul Amna Universitas Syiah Kuala
Keywords: Honesty, Game, Elementary Students


Exposure to honesty in young children is a need in order to evaluate how the concept is internalized in themselves. It has an impact on the formation of children’s character in the future. This study aimed to reveal honest behavior in children. A total of 36 elementary school students consisting of 12 boys and 24 girls with aged 6 to 9 years old in Banda Aceh, Indonesia were selected as participants using random sampling. A ball-drawing task was used as a method to observe children’s honesty, every child was asked to draw a ball from an opaque box containing equal numbers of red and blue balls, in a closed room with a hidden camera. The results showed that there were only 25% of elementary school students behaved honestly, while the other 75% behaved dishonestly. It means that only a small number of students act honestly. Follow-up is needed to provide education related to the value of honesty in children from an early age.


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