Islamic Perspectives on Religiusity and Students' Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment

  • Salma Muhana Maulida Universitas YARSI
  • Karimulloh Universitas YARSI
  • Chandradewi Kusristanti Universitas YARSI
Keywords: Islam, Religiusity, Attitudes of Sexual Harassment


There are many negative impacts of sexual harassment cases, both physically and psychologically. Ironically, cases of sexual harassment where students are the victims continue to increase daily in academic and religious-based educational institutions. This study aimed to determine the Islamic perspective on the role of religiosity on sexual harassment attitudes in students. This study uses a qualitative approach through literature study by collecting, reading, and analyzing various Islamic sources, both the Qur'an, Al-Hadith, books and relevant journals. The study results show that someone with religiosity will be careful in maintaining his attitude, such as staying away from acts of sexual harassment, not tolerating this attitude and being kind to his victims. It shows that religiosity is a factor that can influence a person's attitude towards acts of sexual harassment.


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