Quarter-Life Crisis in Generation Z Adults

  • Abdul Aziz Ali Rosyiddin IAIN Kediri
  • Nur Aziz Afandi IAIN Kediri
Keywords: Quarter-life crisis, Generation Z (iGen), Early Adulthood


Quarter-life crisis is a stage of emotional crisis that occurs in individuals in their 20s including feelings of helplessness, isolation, self-doubt, and fear of failure. Meanwhile, generation Z or iGen refers to the generation that is in the period between 1995-2010 which can also be called iGeneration, net generation, or internet generation. Generation Z or iGen has special characteristics regarding the quarter-life crisis and shows different behavior when facing the quarter-life crisis. Early adulthood itself is a time of shifting from an egocentric view to an empathetic attitude. The purpose of this study is to reveal the description of the quarter-life crisis in early adults of Generation Z or iGen. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Interviews are used as a method of extracting data on one informant. The results of this study are the subjects experience frustration when they cannot motivate themselves, panic over pressure from the family environment and social suspicion, experience helplessness when listening to music that is listened to as if it follows their life, and the inability to multitask. in their social life. have a purpose in life because they are haunted by an uncertain future, and unhappiness because the subjects is unsure of their partner and other problems related to opposite-sex relationships to friendship.


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