Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya di Era Milenial 2022-08-15T05:34:13+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya di Era Milenial<br>ISBN 978-602-332-118-6</p> ANALISIS KESEPADANAN MAKNA PADA FITUR TERJEMAH ARAB-INDONESIA DI INSTAGRAM (Teori Newmark) 2022-08-15T05:34:13+00:00 Siti Islahiyah Izzah Juhriyah <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesepadanan makna berbahasa Arab yang ada pada fitur terjemahan aplikasi Instagram. Dalam era teknologi saat ini, penggunaan media sosial menjadi kebutuhan untuk sekedar saling bertukar informasi dan kabar, untuk hiburan, dan memposting segala hal yang dilakukan hari ini. Diiringi dengan berbagai bahasa asing yang tercampur dengan berbagai jenis budaya dan negara yang berbeda, membuat terjemahan bahasa tak kalah pentingnya untuk melihat informasi yang lebih jelas. Hal ini dikarenakan tak semua orang paham akan bahasa asing, terlebih bagi yang tidak sama sekali belajar dan fokus dalam bidang bahasa. Penggunaan <em>Instagram story </em>kini bukan menjadi hal yang baru, bahkan banyak dari penggunanya memanfaatkan fitur ini sebagai pembangunan citra diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data yang diambil melalui <em>Instagram story</em> berbahaasa Arab milik orang lain. Teknik pengambilan data yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data, mencatat, serta menganalisis bentuk kesepadanan maknanya, lalu memberikan sintesis atau kesimpulan. Bahasa Arab yang diteliti dan ditemukan dalam fitur merupakan bahasa Arab ‘<em>āmiyah</em> dan <em>fushah.</em></p> 2024-04-28T13:52:32+00:00 Copyright (c) EFEKTIFITAS EPITOME SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN NAHWU 2022-08-05T13:15:41+00:00 Umi Machmudah Khuzaimah <p>Nahwu merupakan ilmu yang penting bagi mahasantri. Ilmu nahwu merupakan hal yang penting untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab, dan bahasa Arab merupakan kunci dari ilmu-ilmu agama. Pembelajaran nahwu di pondok pesantren selama ini dilakukan dengan cara pembelajaran tradisional yaitu dengan method <em>al-qira’ah wa al tarjamah. </em>Namun, saat ini pembelajaran diganti dengan menggunakan Epitome. Epitome terbukti mampu memotivasi mahasantri dan mengefesienkan pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas Epitome pada pembelajaran nahwu, dan untuk mengetahui factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas Epitome pada pembelajaran nahwu. Latar penelitian dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Putri Al Ishlahiyah Malang. Adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi aktivitas pembelajaran, wawancara dengan santri yang terlibat langsung pada penerapan media Epitome, guru, dan pengasuh pondok. Selain itu wawancara juga dilakukan dengan alumni tentang kebermanfaatan ilmu nahwu di masyarakat. Tulisan ini menunjukkan 2 hal. <em>Pertama, </em>Epitome efektif sebagai media pembelajaran nahwu, Epitome memudahkan santri dalam memahami nahwu. Epitome juga memberi peluang santri untuk lebih aktif dalam mengikuti pemebelajaran. <em>Kedua</em>, dorongan yang kuat dari dalam diri santri berpengaruh kuat terhadap keberhasilan mereka dalam mempelajari nahwu, khususnya i’rob.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PENILAIAN HOTS (HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS) DALAM MAHARAH KALAM PADA MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN DOKTER UIN MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2022-08-05T13:20:43+00:00 Nur Toifah <p><em>Maharah kalam is one of the four maharat in Arabic, which is important to learn so that students can communicate orally properly and correctly so that the delivery of the message can be received. Meanwhile, the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) assessment in maharah kalam is an assessment that includes three cognitive domains of analyzing, assessing/evaluating, and creating/creating, which is combined with the domain of 21st-century skills. This study examines the implementation of HOTS assessment in maharah kalam in the Study Program of Medical Education UIN Malang. While this type of research is descriptive qualitative research, and the data collection uses triangulation techniques, namely observation, documentation, and literacy. The data that has been collected is reviewed or analyzed, classified, reduced, and then described. The result of this study is that the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) assessment on maharah kalam must be implemented by aligning the form of assessment and the dimensions of the HOTS thinking process, namely analyzing (C4) 10%, evaluating (C5) 15%, and creating (C6) 75%. With this assessment, students are expected to be able to implement 21st-century skills that include critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, collaboration, information literacy, media, and technology that can make them able to be creative, collaborative, and innovative. While the assessment component include understanding 25%, grammar 20%, vocabulary 20%, fluency 15%, and fluency of speech 20%.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تحليل أخطاء ترجمة الملخص العربي باستخدام ترجمة جوجل 2022-08-06T01:38:30+00:00 Nurul Hikmah Mubasyiroh <p>توجد أخطاء ترجمة الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية كثيرا في بحث علمي الطلبة جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج ، وكان أحد الأسباب أنهم استخدموا ترجمة جوجل ولم يعدلوا بها بشكل صحيح. يهدف هذا البحث أن يجيب على ثلاثة أسئلة: ١) كيف الأخطاء في ترجمة الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية في البحث العلمي الطلبة جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج؟. ٢) ما هي العوامل التي تسبب أخطاء الترجمة؟.&nbsp; ٣) ما آثار&nbsp; الأخطاء في ترجمة الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية؟. تصميم&nbsp; هذا البحث تحليل أخطاء ترجمة الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية بعدد العينة عشرة مستخلص البحث الذي اختبارتها الباحثتان؟ . خطوات&nbsp; هذا البحث&nbsp; جمع البيانات، وتعيين الأخطاء في ترجمة الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية ، وتصحيح الترجمة الخاطئة،. نتائج البحث ١) كانت الأخطاء في كتابة الاسم بالعربي، و مصطلحات العربية، و تركيب إضافي و النعت، و استعمال المفردات الشائعة، و العدد العربي، و كيفية تنظيم كتابة العربية في مكروسوف وورد،&nbsp; و كتابة اللقب الأكاديمي.. ٢)العوامل التي تسبب أخطاء هي أ) عدم التعديل&nbsp; بعد استخدام ترجمة جوجل. ب) نقص المفردات لديهم. ج) عدم قدرتهم على فهم اللغة العربية بشكل صحيح. ٣) أثر الخطأ في ترجمة&nbsp; الملخصات الإندونيسية إلى العربية هو: أ) لا يمكن فهم محتويات البحث بشكل كامل.&nbsp; ب) قواعد الكتابة العربية الفوضوية. هذا البحث له أثر إيجابي في زيادة حذر الطلبة في الترجمة والتقليل من الأخطاء في الترجمة.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) إعداد الكتاب المصاحب لكتاب "Ringkasan Bahasa Arab" لتنمية مهارة القراءة (بحث التطويري لتلاميذ الجالسين فى فصل الثاني بمدرسة مجاهدين الثانوية الأهلية سورابايا) 2022-08-10T11:26:29+00:00 Yusuf Arisandi Budi Santoso Wibowo Mahfuz Rizqi Mubarak <p>مدرسة مجاهدين الثانوية الأهلية سورابايا هي مدرسة من المدارس فى سورابايا تدرس اللغة العربية فى فصل الثاني باستخدام الكتاب “Ringkasan Bahasa Arab”. اعتمادا على ملاحظة الباحث عن عملية التعليم والتعلم فى الفصل الثاني ثم فكر الباحث لإعداد الكتاب المصاحب لأن الكتاب المستخدم هناك عدم التدريبات المتنوعة لتنمية مهارة القراءة. اختار الباحث مهارة القراءة لأن الكتاب المصاحب المصمم مناسبا بالكتاب “Ringkasan Bahasa Arab”. استخدم الباحث المدخل الكمي لأن هذا البحث&nbsp; تركز على الطرق الرقمية والإحصائية فى تفسير البيانات والنتائج المجموعة. واساليب جمع البيانات المستخدمة فى هذا البحث هي الملاحظة والمقابلة والإستبانة والإختبار. أما نتائج البحث المحصولة هي: &nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>إن الكتاب “Ringkasan Bahasa Arab” الذي ألفه معطي علي فى فصل الثاني بمدرسة مجاهدين الثانوية الأهلية سورابايا يحتاج إلى الكتاب المصاحب الذي كان فيه النصوص وكثرة التدريبات ومعالجة النحوية.</li> <li>إن الكتاب المصاحب المستخدم فى فصل الثاني بمدرسة مجاهدين الثانوية الأهلية سورابايا فعال لترقية مهارة القراءة بنتائج البحث t حساب (6,53) أكبر من t جدول (2,485).&nbsp;</li> </ol> 2022-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) INTEGRASI PEMBELAJARAN MUFRADHAT MELALUI MAHFUDZAT 2022-08-06T01:53:45+00:00 Nur Aqilah Lutfiyah Rahma Opier Siti Nurul Hidayah Majidatun Ahmala Muflihah <p><em>Mufradhat</em> merupakan salah satu unsur bahasa yang membentuk ekspresi, kalimat, dan wacana. Sedangkan <em>mahfudzat </em>merupakan kumpulan kalimat indah dalam sastra Arab yang berisikan kata-kata bijak, hikmah dan falsafah hidup. Integrasi pembelajaran <em>mufradhat</em> melalui <em>mahfudzat </em>akan memperkaya penguasaan siswa terhadap kosakata bahasa Arab karena <em>mahfudzat </em>disampaikan dalam ungkapan indah yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen <em>one group pretest post test </em>yang digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas pembelajaran <em>mufradhat</em> yang dilakukan melalui pemberian <em>mahfudzat.</em> Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri 6 Maluku Tengah yang berjumlah 21 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa <em>predict-observe-explain</em> pembelajaran <em>mufradhat</em> melalui <em>mahfudzat</em> termasuk dalam kriteria tinggi, dengan 65% siswa mendapatkan pengaruh kriteria tinggi dan 35% siswa mendapatkan pengaruh kriteria sedang dan tidak ada siswa yang mendapatkan pengaruh kriteria rendah.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) KONKRETITASI METODE GRAMATIKA DAN TERJEMAH GUNA MENGOPTIMALKAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DALAM TEKS BERBAHASA ARAB 2022-08-06T02:02:13+00:00 Aziz Nurzeha Fikri Arif <p>Bahasa adalah alat untuk beriteraksi atau alat untuk berkomunikasi. Bahasa Arab adalah suatu alat komunikasi yang digunakan oleh masyarakat terutama di wilayah Arab seperti Timur Tengah. Judul penelitian ini adalah <em>Konkretisasi Metode Gramatika dan Terjemah Guna Mengoptimalkan Kemahiran Membaca </em><em>d</em><em>alam Teks Berbahasa Arab.</em> Adanya penelitian ini, dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bahwa metode gramatika dan terjemah ini berpengaruh untuk mengoptimalkan kemahiran membaca pada suatu teks berbahasa Arab. Dengan menguasai metode tersebut para pembaca akan lebih mudah memahami suatu teks berbahasa Arab. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan metode logitudinal, yang artinya penulis mengirim kuesioner kepada 25 partisipan yang berasal dari Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Arab lalu medeskripsikan hasil dari kuesioner tersebut. Hasil dari pada penelitian ini adalah metode gramatika dan terjemah ini berpengaruh dalam peningkatan kemahiran membaca pada teks berbahasa Arab. Hal tersebut diambil dari data-data yang telah penulis peroleh dari kuesioner yang diajukan kepada para partisipan.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) KRITIK TERHADAP BUKU AL-‘ARABIYYAH AL-MU’ĀṢIRAH KARYA ECKEHARD SCHULZ 2022-08-06T02:51:10+00:00 Aliwafa <p>Book of <em>al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’āṣirah </em>by Eckehard Schulz&nbsp; Indonesian&nbsp; edition comes in conventional/print form and e-edition. The second edition can be operated on laptop, notebook, or tablet PC, and even completed with audio file that can be used by clicking the word or sentence. E-edition can be accessed on website <a href=""></a></p> <p>Criticism for book of <em>al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’āṣirah </em>are: First, the use of Indonesian by 21.355 words (31,65%) to explain the difficult words. The authors of the book should explain difficult words with pictures, antonysm, sinonysm, etc. Second, unnatural language skills. The order of <em>Mahārat al-Lughah </em>(language skills) in <em>al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’āṣirah </em>book started from reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, and then the second writing and speaking skills. Those order doesn’t match with the general order. Third, Grammar learning is positioned at the beginning of each lessons and gives impression of Arabic grammar or <em>qirāah </em>learning book. Fourth, the presentation of new <em>mufradāt </em>is very large in number, which is 1.406 in volume 1 alone. Fifth, there is no harokat. Book of <em>al-‘Arabiyyah al-Mu’āṣirah</em> doesn’t use harokat at all, even though harokat is really needed in learning process to accelerate the understanding of the contents of the book. Sixth, the appearance and presentation of the book is still lacking, there is no colourfull pictures, simple layout and cover, language game and the likes are not included. Seventh, m<em>uṣāhibat al-kitāb </em>(book accompaniment) like exercise book, etc isn’t complete. Eighth, Indonesian Islamic culture isn’t accommodated. The book only displays some part of progress in the culture of the Arab world, but there is no comparison between Arab and non-Arab cultures such as Indonesia as it’s users. Displays of Indonesian Islamic cultures on the early chapters of the book would help and attract the readers.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) KRITIK TERJEMAHAN KITAB سنن النبي صلعم وأذكاره اليومية ‘SUNNAH DAN ZIKIR HARIAN NABI SAW’, KARYA DR. ABDULLAH BIN HAMOUD AL-FARIH 2022-08-06T15:09:39+00:00 Ariqah Luthfiyahnisa Muhammad Alfairuz <p>Salah satu hal terpenting dalam menerjemahkan BSu ke dalam BSa adalah pemilihan diksi, yaitu memilih dan mencari kata, padanan, istilah atau ungakapan yang tepat. Sebab hal itu merupakan langkah-langkah yang harus diperhatikan dalam melakukan proses terjemahan dari teks sumber ke dalam teks sasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindetifikasikan metode&nbsp; dan kritik terhadap terjemahan Arab-Indonesia dalam kitab terjemahan Sunnah dan Zikir Harian Nabi SAW, karya Dr. Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Farih. Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan sampel berupa simak dan catat. Dalam menganalisis teks, penliti menggunakan teori penerjemahan Molina dan Albir (2002) untuk mengidentifikasikan metode teks penerjemahan. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa teks-teks terjemahan sunah nabi SAW dalam kitab terjemahan Sunnah dan Zikir Harian Nabi SAW, karya Dr. Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Farih. Dalam kitab terjemahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan 17 teks-teks sunnah yang sesuai untuk dianalisis. Dari data-data tersebut, peneliti mencoba untuk mengidentifikasikan metode, permasalahan, dan usulan penyempurnaan teks terjemahan terhadap naskah tersebut. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjemahan kitab سنن النبي صلعم وأذكاره اليومية ‘Sunnah dan Zikir Harian Nabi SAW’, karya Dr. Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Farih terdapat beberapa permasalahan pemilihan padananan makna, baik dalam padanan makna leksikal maupun kontekstual. Terdapat pula permasalahan dalam segi gramatikal yang kurang tepat pada BSa, sehingga hal itu menyebabkan hasil teks terjemahan menjadi rancu atau informasinya menjadi sulit untuk dipahami oleh pembaca sasaran.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PEMANFAATAN WHATSAPP GROUP DALAM MELATIH KEMAMPUAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA ARAB MAHASISWA PRODI PAI 2022-08-06T03:14:32+00:00 Hamidah Agus Salafina Nur Hidayah <p><em>This study aims to describe the use of WhatsApp Groups in training PAI Study Program students' books, their responses to the use of WhatsApp and their results. This quantitative descriptive study examined 30 students of Islamic Studies Study Program as research subjects. The data was extracted through interview, observation and documentation techniques and then analyzed in data reduction activities, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The validity of the data is required by using triangulation techniques. The results showed that WhatsApp Group was used to train students' scriptures by communicating in writing every day about academic information and daily communication such as asking how they were doing, what to do today and at the weekend. The students' response to this good and effective activity is that it is a challenge to continue to learn and be creative which familiarizes them with using Arabic in writing and also has an effect on other maharah's abilities by increasing vocabulary and understanding of grammar as well as increasing insight and closeness with lecturers. . The results of student writing are generally correct and some are wrong in writing and writing, but the lecturers always correct them in every conversation, so that students' writing skills are increasing. The implication of this research is that information and communication technology can be used to help improve students' foreign language skills.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN SKILL BERBAHASA ARAB MELALUI ORGANISASI KEBAHASAAN ATTANWIR LANGUANGE CENTER [ALC] BOJONEGORO 2022-08-06T03:21:37+00:00 Shofiyatu Zahrotil Muniroh Gesika Avelina Majidatun Ahmala Ainun Syarifah <p><em>Setiap pembelajar bahasa Arab harus menguasai keempat keterampilan berbahasa dengan baik agar tujuan utama untuk menjadikan bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa komunikasi dapat tercapai. Organisasi kebahasaan Attanwir Language Center (ALC) di MTs Al-Tanwir menjadi salah satu organisasi kebahasaan pendukung keterampilan berbahasa Arab siswa. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran ALC MTs Al-Tanwir dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Arab siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran ALC pada MTs Al-Tanwir dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Arab siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dalam program ALC dengan sampel 27 siswa dari kelas 8,9, dan 10. teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan maharah istima’ dilakukan dengan menggunakan ghina’ Araby, syi’ir Araby, maupun imla’. Peningkatan maharah kalam dilakukan dengan mengoptimalkan muhadatsah yaumiyah, khitobah dan taqdimul qissoh. Peningkatan maharah qiro’ah dan mharah kitabahsudah dilakukan dalam kegiatan yang ada pada maharah istima’dan kalam. Evaluasi pembelajarn akhir dilakukan dengan mengadakan lomba tahunan atau yang disebut dengan class meeting yang diadakan setiap bulan Oktober, dengan adanya perlombaan ini maka siswa akan termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Arab secara mandiri namun terkontrol dengan baik oleh tutor progressnya. Selain class meeting, ALC juga mengadakann Arabic and English Camp (AEC), yaitu kegiatan pengoptimalan bahasa Arab maupun Inggris yang ada di ALC dengn diselingi game dan turun ke jalan yang membuat siswa belajar bahasa dalam suasana yang menyenangkan.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PROMOSI DIGITAL EDU WISATA LONTAR SEWU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN BAHASA ARAB 2022-08-06T03:28:42+00:00 Nur Silviya Hidayatur Rokhmah Ananda Wifaq Kholidiyah Dewi Purnawati Saadatul Kamila Majidatun Ahmala <p><em>Indonesia is a country known around the world for its exceptional natural beauty. The development of tourist destinations in various regions was also developed to improve services for tourists. Unfortunately, digital-based tourism management has not received maximum attention, even though in this fast and convenient digital era, digital media will be used as a kind of advertising to expand the reach of a tourist destination worldwide. The lack of attention to digital management on the website and social media also happened to Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu. Even though the internet and social media are assets that potential visitors will use to evaluate countries for vacation destinations, this service aims to empower the internet and social media as promotional media to introduce various rides and facilities at Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu. In addition, the Arabic language used as the introductory language will make Edu Wistata Lontar Sewu known by countries in the Middle East and western countries that use Arabic as a communication language. Their last hope is for them to visit Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu to become tourists and enjoy the beauty and existing facilities. This service uses Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) method, which involves the managers of Edu Wisata Lontar Sewu to take joint actions, namely creating websites and social media using Arabic as the language of instruction. The results of this service are in the form of websites, tik tok, Instagram, blogs, and youtube channels that use Arabic as the language of instruction</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) ﺗﻌﻠﻴﻢ اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻐﻨﺎء ﻟﺘﺮﻗﻴﺔ ﻣﻬﺎرة ﻛﻼم 2022-08-06T03:34:15+00:00 Majidatun Ahmala Ainun Syarifah Ria Fitria Siti Zaimatut Taqiyah Diana Putri Tiasaji <p><em>Vocabulary is one of the important elements in language because it contains the meaning and use of words in the language of the speakers themselves or from the author. And the person will improve his language skills if he increases his vocabulary because the competence of the person's language skills is in accordance with the vocabulary he absorbs. In teaching vocabulary, educational aids are needed to help students in understanding, and linguistic tools are an important requirement that teachers must use to facilitate foreign language teaching. teach vocabulary related to the subject, including song, and this stems from the new strategy. The problem of this research is "How to teach Arabic vocabulary by using singing to improve speaking skills". The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. And the method of collecting data is by studying the literature through books and several journals. The result of this research is that singing can be used to improve speaking skills to increase vocabulary by making all the vocabulary in singing textbooks popular.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق وسائل التعليم لوحة النشرات "Bulletin Board " لتدريس مهارة القراءة 2022-08-10T09:27:18+00:00 Ali Mudlofir Muhammad Baihaqi Suci Nur Anisyah Achmad Misbachul L Aisyi Tamara <p><em>The ability of students will increasingly decline if the cause is not known. One of the impacts is that students' potential is left behind when learning Arabic. This is what makes it the task of educators to understand what methods should be used for teaching and learning activities. This study aims to help them get to know Arabic for students, and to develop the process of teaching Arabic by using the Bulletin Board media on maharoh qiro'ah. The target sample is class X Mtsn Jabal Nur Sidoarjo through a qualitative approach method. The results of this study are the use of media to facilitate the process of class X students of Mtsn Jabal Nur Sidoarjo learning Arabic for students and developing the process of teaching Arabic by using bulletinboards and developing and adding to the treasures of knowledge in the field of language. The use of bulletinboard media is a used to show examples of student work, charts, pictures, posters and objects in 3D. With this media, it is hoped that it can increase the innovation and creativity of educators in helping the teaching and learning process to be more interesting and easy to understand for students at Mtsn Jabal Nur Sidoarjo.</em></p> 2022-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثر تطبيق النموذج التعليمي لترقية إتقان مفردات اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T03:46:49+00:00 Muhammad Baihaqi Muflihah Irmawati Ajeng Alyatus Syafa’ah Ananda Wifaq Kholidiyah <p><em>Issues in research it is how to teach vocabulary and how to apply the learning model (Mumtaz Review Course) the vocabulary of the Arabic language, and how did the application of the educational model affect the upgrade mastering Arabic vocabulary. Intructional model is method in which the teacher uses the student to deliver. The student is told to master vocabulary if he can students are required to translate vocabulary in different forms and to they pronounce and write the words again with the correct and to be a useful magazine of vocabulary, verbal or written.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثير تدريب برامج ترجمة القرآن في إستعاب المفردات 2022-08-06T03:53:12+00:00 Saefullah Azhari Mochamad Syaifudin Liziyah Andriani Intan Safitri Abdurrahman Kanafillah <p><em>We already know that Arabic is very important for us and all Muslims. Because the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith are guidelines for Muslims who also use Arabic. It should be remembered that actually learning Arabic is not a difficult thing if in learning it uses the right and easy method. Here the Al-Qur'an Translation Training Program becomes very important, because by using this method, learning Arabic becomes easier and shorter without spending a long time. The problem in this article aims to determine the extent of the influence of the Al-Qur'an translation training program in mufrodat learning. We can learn Arabic vocabulary in different ways, and one of the ways it can be used is to learn Arabic vocabulary by practicing Quran translation. In this case, the Quran translation training program can have a positive effect on improving vocabulary learning.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تحليل بنود و الإختبار النهاء المعيار المادة اللغاة العربية 2022-08-13T03:25:53+00:00 Syafi'i M. Yunus Abu Bakar Musthofa Muhammad Amron Nadhif Rizqiyah Ning Rahayu <p><em>In learning Arabic at school, there must be an end result. The final result is in the form of questions that are used to determine the final value in learning during their journey. This study aims to analyze the exam or final result in learning Arabic. The goal, so that Arabic language teachers are able to make good measuring tools in measuring student understanding, this study uses a qualitative approach through interviews, observations, with data collection models obtained from student question sheets. then reduce the data, present the data, and draw conclusions to serve as the final conclusion. In the deaf test, this type of written test, the test applied is in the form of multiple choice ytes. In the test there are items in which each question has a choice of answers. In the first question, the teacher asks questions about understanding. So that students do not only know the rules of the Arabic language being studied. In the second question the teacher gives questions that require students to analyze the questions to find answers. However, because this final result test is in the form of multiple choice, students only need to choose the answer asked by the teacher.</em></p> 2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تحليل مشكلات ترجمة للطلاب المستوى السادس في فصل الترجمة شفوية 2022-08-06T04:06:11+00:00 Ali Mudlofir Ahmad Zahro Mazidatur Rizkiyah Nisa’ Setyaning Budi Pangastuti Raihanah Munifaturrohman <p><em>Translation provides a very positive contribution of knowledge to the world of education, namely translate the message or source language into the target language so that the readers or listeners can understand the message especially in the text. Translation from Arabic to Indonesian is dominated by religious texts such as the Al-Qur’an, hadith, aqidah, fiqh, morality, Sufism, education, da’wah, politics, philosophy, Islamic thought, language and literature, and history and stories. The problem of translating from Arabic to Indonesian often revolves around linguistic problems. Because of its urgency in the world of education, translation has become one of the subjects that must be studied by students.&nbsp; The translation course aims to equip students with knowledge of translation theory and to provide students with experience in translating various types of texts, such as religious, scientific, literary, economic, and cultural texts with varying degrees of difficulty.To achieve this goal, the author uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive approach and with data collection methods with documentation. The results showed that the problems that students often faced in translating were linguistic problems and the substantial differences between Arabic and Indonesian.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق تسوق السفر لترقية المهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T04:14:32+00:00 Aliwafa Ahmad Fauzi M. Abdul Ghofur Al Hakim Siska Fatmawati Siti Nur Alamsyah <p><em>This research is motivated by a basic problem, namely the lack of the enthusiasm of students to understand Arabic which is actually easy and not too complicated to learn, even though the teacher who teaches has prepared various methods, games and learning tools to raise the enthusiasm of students so that they do not bored with teaching, so from here it is necessary to improve that is easy for students to do in order to be able to understand and accept what is explained by the teacher, namely by compiling a simple and fun learning process. And for the problem of lack vocabulary owned by students so that it makes it difficult for students to speak, so as a teacher gives easy vocabulary first so that students can memorize it and understand what will be learned and understood in the learning process. One way that can be done is the application of shop traveling games. This game aims to train students' thinking speed, accuracy and cohesiveness with using simple equipment, namely drawing paper and writing words to form a form of example shop, library and so on, will create pleasant classroom atmosphere so that students will more easily digest the lesson.So the cognate method is expected to be able to overcome the related problems on.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق وﺳﺎﺋﻞ "وﺗﺒﺔ اﻟﻜﻠﻤﺔ اﻟﻜﺮوﻳﺔ" ﻟﱰﻗﻴﺔ ﻣﻬﺎرة اﻟﻘﺮاءة 2022-08-06T05:45:30+00:00 Muflihah Ainun Syarifah Ahmad Nur Alhamidiy Fani Nirmala Rosadi Fatin Gita Bahriah <p><em>It is well known that the Arabic language is the language of the Noble Qur’an, the hadith of the Prophet, and the civilization and culture of Islam. As for Arabic in Indonesia, it has a role as a foreign language, such as English, French, Chinese and other languages. People can study it (the Arabic language) in schools, universities or institutes. As for the problems related to the teacher, it is a given that the teacher is the beating heart of the educational process, the guide and the executor of it, and upon it depends its success. That is why the issue of teacher preparation is distinct among the other axes of the educational process. And when they are taught in school and they teach Arabic lessons such as connecting cross-words, They find it difficult to analyze it. Therefore, the researcher wants to present the means of “spherical word hierarchy” to analyze this problem, and there are no purposes at all, but rather for them to practice their reading skill. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The method of collecting research data is to study literature by reading books, articles, and others. Then, after reading them, analyze all the data by comparing data collection from different sources</em><strong><em>.,</em></strong></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) دراسة العلاقة بين الميول التعليم النّحو إنجاز تعليم اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T05:51:26+00:00 Ainun Syarifah Sholehan M. Nurul Huda Izzatul Maula Nikmatul Lutfah <p>This study aims to determine the extent of the relationship between learning which includes: visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles with learning achievement Arabic.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) علاقة استخدام " الكتاب المقرر لمهارة الاستماع " نحو ترقية مهارة الاستماع 2022-08-06T05:57:31+00:00 Muhammad Afifuddin Dimyathi Syafi'i Husnul Arofat Khoirun Nisa’ Ali Maghfuri <p><em>This study aims to improve listening skills by using textbooks as a reference in practicing students' listening skills. textbooks cannot be separated from students in formal learning at school. special skills' is also a very difficult skill of the 4 existing skills. and writing this article aims to test or try the textbook whether it can help improve students' listening skills or vice versa can not help improve and facilitate students in learning Arabic. and the discussion of this package book is also equipped with a listening learning CD and there are also basic competencies and the latest achievement indicators in each material.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) استخدام Tell Me More لترقية مهارة الاستماع 2022-08-06T06:02:49+00:00 Ida Mifatkhul Jannah Muhammad Nu’man Muhammad Mansur Mohammed Islam Nais Musyafaul Faiza <p><em>Based on the results</em><em>,</em><em> learning listening skills carried out by teachers using the sam'iyah syafahiyah method and using cassette media. However, many students do not understand the material being taught because the teacher is less attractive in presenting listening skills material. Therefore, the researchers tried to use the media in the form of Tell Me More Arabic software to improve students' listening skills. Tell me More Arabic is an interactive and well-designed Arabic learning software. This software can help learning Arabic language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) فعالية استخدام رسيت ستون (Rosetta stone v.3.4.7) لترقية مهارة الاستماع 2022-08-06T06:07:32+00:00 Ida Mifatkhul Jannah Junaedi Muhammad Rondi Lailatul Fitri Maslachatul Khusnia <p><em>Maharah istima' is one of the four maharah languages. Maharah istima' aims to train basic human abilities in listening to languages, especially Arabic. Listening is a basic human ability which is possessed from the beginning of his birth until throughout his life. However, at the level of language learning there is a low level of student interest in learning specifically. This problem makes researchers want to know the effectiveness of using Rosetta Stone v.3.4.7 which is a learning method that is able to provide solutions for students to increase interest in listening lessons in particular. As for the importance of teaching aids, because they have the most influence on the senses and to ensure understanding, they do not see as the person who hears. Teaching aids bring joy to students, renew their activities, help build facts in students' minds, and bring lessons to life. Teaching listening skill - like other teaching - requires steps and stages. But above all, several foundations should be taken into account in teaching listening to be effective teaching, namely: 1. Elaborate the material that the students will listen to in a manner that suits their abilities, 2. Raise students motives for listening, which requires a temporary response, and critical listening. The result of this research is a special learning process using&nbsp; Rosetta Stone v.3.4.7&nbsp; method and the obstacles found in using the Rosetta Stone v.3.4.7&nbsp;&nbsp; method.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) فعالية تطبيق اللغة الحروف المتسلسلة (Head and Tail) في ترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T06:13:34+00:00 Ahmad Fauzi Junaedi Isnainiyah Hilmiyatus Sholihah Marya Alvina Alisha <p><em>Each language has four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. In learning a foreign language we are led to be proficient in every skill.&nbsp; Likewise in speaking skills. Language games are used to make it easier for students to understand the material presented and make students more innovative in learning the language. One of the language games that are considered interesting in learning Arabic is Head and Tail.&nbsp; This game is a way of learning that requires students to learn a lot of talk and a lot of vocabulary.&nbsp; Besides, students will be more enthusiastic, and improve students' speaking skills.&nbsp; This study was well received by class VIII A students. But on the other hand, before learning begins, it is better to introduce vocabulary related to the material. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Head and Tail game in improving the speaking ability of students of class VIII A MTs An Nasyiin PP.&nbsp; Mas and to find out the effectiveness of the application of the Head and Tail game, the Head and Tail game for class VIII A students at MTs An Nasyiin PP.&nbsp; Mas Krembangan Taman Sidoarjo using quantitative research.&nbsp; The data collection of this research was carried out using the following methods: 1) observation, 2) interviews, 3) documentation, and 4) tests. The results of learning to train Arabic speaking skills for class VIII A students at MTs An Nasyi'in Pondok Pesantren Mas Krembangan Taman Sidoarjo with increased Head and Tail, this can be seen from the scores obtained by students from before the application of "the application of the Head and Tail game with a score of 67.65 and after the application of the Head and Tail game 83.24.&nbsp; For this reason, it is recommended for Arabic teachers to apply and develop learning using Head and Tail games or other media for the success of learning Arabic</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) فعالية تطبيق لعبة ثعبان سلم SNAKE LADDERS لترقية مهارة الكلام اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T06:19:16+00:00 Ainun Syarifah Mohamad Salik Zurista Nur Awwaliyah Annisa Khumairo Hilmiyatul Hamidah <p><em>Speaking is one of the language skills that must be learned by students in learning Arabic. As we know that speaking skill is an important skill in language learning. One of the media used in learning to write is Snake Ladders Game. Snake Ladders Game is one of the visual learning media. This media is very easy to understand because on the flannel board there are pictures and words. This media is not only used for learning to speak, but can be used for learning other skills in language learning.</em> <em>In this study, researchers wanted to know the application of ladder games in learning Arabic, especially in developing students' speaking skills. The problems in this study are (1) how to apply the snake and ladder game to improve students' speaking skills, (2) how students' abilities before and after the experiment were carried out in improving speaking skills, (3) how effective the use of snakes and ladders games in improving students' speaking skills . The research instruments used are (1) observation (2) interviews (3) documentation (4) tests.</em> <em>The results showed that the use of snakes and ladders game proved effective to improve students' speaking ability.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) طريقة زرّ المتكلم لترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T06:34:33+00:00 Aliwafa Muhammad Thohir Khusnul Khotimah Amaliyatul Kamilah <p><em>Maharah kalam is one of the anger or skills in learning Arabic that requires students to be active in speaking. In practice, many students have difficulty communicating using Arabic. This happens because they do not understand and do not even have the courage to pronounce sentences in Arabic for fear of being wrong and so on. So the researcher wants to apply the talking chips type of cooperative learning model to facilitate and assist students in learning to speak Arabic and build the mentality of students to dare to speak Arabic. The results of this study indicate the success of using the talking chips type of cooperative learning model.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Hot Potatoesلترقية تعليم مهارة القراءة 2022-08-06T06:44:35+00:00 Hisbullah Huda Muhammad Baihaqi Muhammad Zakki Amrulloh Hilda Fairuzia Khaidaroh Khoshiyatu Nur Laela <p><em>The world of education is increasingly sophisticated with the presence of developed technology, one of which is to make it easier for students to learn whenever and wherever. Many applications that students can use to improve maharah qiraah one of them is the potatoes hot application. This research aims to find out how to use a hot potatoes application for increased student reading camp. This research is qualitative research. Data sources were collected from textbooks and results from questionnaires. The results of this study were to use the hot potatoes application for maharah qiroah exercise more effectively. With this application, teachers are expected to be more updated and can use technology to the maximum, to make it more interesting. In previous research, it focused on evaluation by using the hot pitatoes application, but focused on this research is the linguistic practice in maharah qiroah.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) الدراسة المقارنة عن كفاءة الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى الإندونيسية 2022-08-06T06:50:32+00:00 Saefullah Azhari Muhammad Nu’man Mimi Jamilah Mirna Lakbatun Nur Alfin Nafidzatur Rifqiyah <p><em>Translation is not just comparing words with each other, but the equivalence and arrangement of the pairs of the two languages.&nbsp; There is no need to know the meaning of the whole expression.&nbsp; Translation from one sign to another, and this translation means the transfer of messages from one type of symbolic system to another without being accompanied by verbal signs, so that everyone can understand it.&nbsp; In this research, the researcher wants to discuss about.&nbsp; How is the efficiency of translation from Arabic to Indonesian for Intensive Arabic students at the Al Noor Institute for Surabaya Students.&nbsp; How is the efficiency of translation from Indonesian to Arabic for Intensive Arabic students at “The Light” Institute for Students in Surabaya.&nbsp; How would you compare the efficiency of translation from Arabic to Indonesian and From Indonesian to Arabic for Arabic intensive students at the “Al-Nour” Institute for students in Surabaya?</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثير تطبيق اللعبة “SCATTERGORIES“ نحو ترقية مهارة الكتابة 2022-08-06T07:06:46+00:00 Sholehan Ahmad Fauzi Nurus Subahah Peta Fristy Santhi M. Ali Murteza <p><em>One of the language games that are considered interesting in learning Arabic is Scattergories. This game is a way of learning that requires students to learn a lot of vocabulary and write a lot. In addition, students will be more enthusiastic, also improve writing skills and remember new vocabulary. The purpose of this study is to reveal whether or not there is an effect of the application of the scattergories game method in improving students' writing skills. Learning to practice writing skills using the "scattergories" game method was well received by students. But on the other hand, before learning begins, you should first introduce vocabulary related to the material, so that students do not ask questions continuously when students have started the game. The results showed that the application of the game "scattergories" had an effect on improving students' writing skills.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق طريقة “Hipnoteaching” في تعليم مهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T07:13:50+00:00 Junaedi Umi Hanifah Nur Abidin Shofia Mumtaza Putri Salsabila <p><em>The hypnoteaching method is a learning method in which the teacher uses subliminal languages that can foster interest in students. This study aims to describe of the Application of the Hypnoteaching Method in the learning process of speaking skills. This research is quantitative. The result of this study is the implementation of the Hypnoteaching Method is effective in the application of speaking-skill learning</em><em>.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق وسيلة التعليم "أدوبي فلاش" في ترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-12T07:57:33+00:00 Umi Hanifah Afifuddin Dimyati Nur Risma Amaliyah Linda Aprilia <p><em>The study entitled "Using Adobe Flash Learning Media to Improve Students' Arabic Speaking Skills" is motivated by the assumption that Adobe Flash learning media is suitable for improving students' Arabic speaking skills, because this learning media requires students to play an active role in learning activities. This study is in the form of a qualitative descriptive. Data collection methods used are: observation, interviews, and document analysis. The results of the study show that the application of Adobe Flash learning media can be used to improve students' Arabic speaking skills.</em></p> 2022-08-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) طريقة المباشرة لترقية المهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T07:29:37+00:00 Ali Wafa Afifuddin Dimyati Zain Mufid Meilina Nur Islamiya Khofifatu Zuhdiyah <p><em>This study discusses the mubasyaroh method in learning Arabic. The researcher uses the mubasyaroh method as the object of research with the aim of knowing how to use the method in increasing students' maharah al-kalam. The research method used by the researcher in this study is a qualitative method, namely a method that emphasizes more on the quality side of the entity. The mubasyaroh method can improve students' speaking ability in learning Arabic, therefore we teach the mubasyaroh method to improve students' speaking skills in learning Arabic</em><em>.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق اللعبة بالمدرسة (Two Stay Two Stray) 2022-08-06T07:34:20+00:00 Muflihah Muhammad Nu’man Nur Laili Iffah Faradilla Reni Septia Purnamasari <p>Artikel ini membahas tentang keefektifan penerapan permainan (Two Stay Two Stray) dalam pembelajaran percakapan (Speech). Metode pembelajaran merupakan salah satu cara untuk mentransferkan ilmu kepada peserta didik. Tujuannya agar peserta didik mampu menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh tenaga pendidik. Dalam hal ini komunikasi yang dilakukan antara guru dan siswa merupakan bagian interaksi bersosial untuk menjalin kesadaran emosional diantaranya. Selain, itu dalam pembahasan ini cara metode yang tenaga didik lakukan melalui proses permainan. Permainan yang dimaksud merupakan permainan yang harus dilakukan oleh kelompok. Tatacara bermainnya guru sebagaiu fasilitator berfungsi untuk membuat kelompok yang terdiri dari 4-6 siswa didalamnya. Hal tersebut mengandung penanaman diskusi yang diberikan kepada siswa serta model masalah yang ditawarkan agar siswa mampu berpikir kritis sekaligus berargumen untuk mengutarakannya adalah kemampuan yang harus siswa miliki. Demikian dengan pembelajaran bahasa, percakapan merupakan kunci dari keberhasilan model pembelajarannya, selain grammer sebagai teori belajar. Maka, kegelisahan intelektual yang peneliti pertanyakan adalah “bagaimana keefektifan penerapan two stay two stray dalam proses belajar siswa?” Adapun metode yang peneliti gunakan pada pembahasan ini adalah pendekatan komunikasi. Permainan merupakan metode yang tidak hanya mengolah sistem kerja otak kiri siswa saja, namun juga otak kanan turut difungsikan sebagai respon dari hasil belajar yang siswa lakukan selama pembelajaran.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) استخدام ألعاب كلمة غامضة لترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T08:35:13+00:00 Hisbullah Huda Majidatun Ahmala Indah Desiana Putri Muhammad Farhan Rosidi <p><em>This study discusses how to use the mysterious word game in learning Arabic, especially Maharah al-Kalam. Researchers used an Arabic game called mysterious word. Problems faced by researchers include students who think learning Arabic is difficult, and low interest in learning Arabic. Therefore, the researcher presents a mysterious word game to turn on an active and fun learning process. This study aims to find out whether this mysterious word game can increase maharah al-kalam. This research includes field research using qualitative methods. The mysterious word language game in Arabic learning can increase maharah al-kalam, because students interact and communicate a lot using Arabic in the game. This game is effective for speaking skills to communicate goals, namely using it in the process of teaching speaking skills, and to complete the standard test in accordance with the material to be taught by the teacher in class.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تعبير القصة في تعليم قصة بلال بن رابة لتنمية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-10T12:15:37+00:00 Taufik Taufik Imam Syafi'i Junaidil Hadi Muhammad Farhan Rosidi <p><em>In this study, the researchers found several problems which in general include the lack of precise learning methods, unfulfilled learning facilities, and the lack of students in mastering speaking skills in Arabic. This study aims to determine how effective the application of story telling in learning the story of Bilal bin Rabah is to develop the speaking skills. The use of the story telling learning method in Bilal bin Raba's story is one of the tools used in the learning process to improve and develop speaking skills in Arabic. </em></p> 2022-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) استخدام حكاية الفابيل (cerita fabel) لترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-06T09:29:30+00:00 Muhammad Nu’man Saefullah Azhari Muhammad Rohman Lailatul Maghfiroh <p><em>This study was compiled based on the author's desire to realize Arabic language learning, especially in speaking skills or mahaarah al-kalam which is effective and fun by using fable stories as the medium. The purpose of this research is to find out how the use of fable stories in Arabic learning and to increase students' maharah al-kalam with it. The research method that the researcher uses is a quantitative research method that is scientific in obtaining knowledge by using data or numbers. The researcher believes that by using Fabl</em><em>e</em><em>'s story can make the process easier. Teaching Arabic to students, especially in speaking skills. They agreed and wanted About him and they found it easy to understand Arabic lessons using </em><em>Fable</em><em> stories. According to the researcher, this program is better than others, because there is interaction between teacher and students, and they participate directly in Learning Activities.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) استراتيجية تعليم الفكر والتكلم والكتابة (Think Talk Write) لترقية مهارة الكتابة 2022-08-06T10:26:18+00:00 Sholehan Muflihah Zumrotus Sa’adah Lailatul Maghfiroh <p><em>One way to encourage and improve writing skills is to think, talk, and write. In this study, researchers used one of the learning strategies that are expected to improve students' writing skills (Maharah Kitabah). The learning strategy is Think Talk Write (TTW). The purpose of this research is to find out the basic concept of Think Talk Write (TTW) and how it is applied in learning Arabic, especially in writing skills. The research method used by the researcher is a field study method. The researcher used qualitative methods to obtain data on the relationship between thinking, speaking, and writing learning strategies on writing skills and improving writing skills or Maharah Kitabah. The Think Talk Write (TTW) strategy can be one of the media for evaluating schools about the importance of teaching Arabic with Think strategies. Talk Write to improve linguistic competence in understanding writing in studying it. In addition, TTW can also improve students' writing skills in learning Arabic and be interesting and not bored during teaching. Think Talk Write strategy is learning that begins with thinking while reading (listeners, given input for learning), and the speaker's learning outcomes with presentations and discussions and make reports. The result is a presentation. This strategy allows students to communicate in discussions so that they can improve their writing skills and help students communicate their ideas and understand the subject matter.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثیر استخدام وسائل لعبة المنوبولي ( Monopoli ) لتطوّر كفاءة المفردات الطلاب 2022-08-10T09:33:31+00:00 Umi Hanifah Ali Mudlofir Athiyyatul Izzah Nadiya Iffatus Zahroh <p><em>This study aims to determine the extent to which students' mastery of mufradat is increased by using a monopoly game. This research includes field research that uses qualitative methods, namely methods that focus on in-depth observations. Monopoly games can improve students' mastery of mufradat. Researchers use Monopoly games in teaching vocabulary to ask students to have the desire and enthusiasm to teach Arabic, and he can improve language skills through the large number of vocabulary students have.</em></p> 2022-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثير ابتكار مدرس اللغة العربية نحو الجاز تعلمها التلاميذ 2022-08-06T10:34:17+00:00 Aan Najib Junaedi Zain Hendra Fahmi Nur Kafilah <p><em>In the educational process there are various problems associated with it. One of the obstacles is that some teachers may use teaching methods and means of explanation that are not in accordance with the material they provide or the different conditions of students. These problems will cause a decrease in the quality of education and will ultimately lead to a decrease in the learning achievement of male and female students. This study was conducted to determine the innovation of the first grade Arabic teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Buduran-Sidoarjo, and to determine the Arabic learning achievement of the first graders of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Buduran-Sidoarjo. This study uses a quantitative approach. This research demands the use of digital in terms of collecting facts, analyzing data, and displaying data acquisition. Sources of research data obtained by researchers from two sources, namely library data and field data. This research can show that in the learning process teachers should use appropriate methods for students. Previously, teachers had to look at students' situations where there were differences between them, and about the proper way to apply them in their learning. School innovation affects the quality of education and student educational achievement. School innovation affects the quality of education as well as learning achievement. If school innovation and quality of education are good, then the educational achievement of students is also good.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثير كتابة اليوميات الترقية مهارة كتابة الإنشاء 2022-08-06T10:38:53+00:00 Muhammad Syaifuddin Ali Wafa Rizka Umami Zahro Nurul Laili Alfiana <p><em>Teaching world languages, especially Arabic, has language skills steps that are well known among linguists. Namely listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing skills and one of them is writing skills. Students must understand and learn it. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of writing skills insya' or maharah al-kitabah and to find out the application of diary writing to maharah al-kitabah in Arabic language learning. The research method that the researcher uses is a scientific quantitative method in obtaining knowledge by using data or numbers. Researchers believe that keeping a diary can simplify the process. Teaching Arabic to students, especially in writing skills. According to researchers, a diary is a record of events in a person's personal experience and is considered important to him. And write in a book or notebook in order according to the order of the day or time. This diary writing process has an impact on improving students' essay writing skills because by writing a diary, you can help students develop ideas. them when writing, and also to practice Arabic grammar mastery and to increase or increase students' vocabulary.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تحليل كتاب العربية في ضوء أسس إعداد الكتب التعليمية لغير الناطقين بالعربية 2022-08-06T11:11:14+00:00 Junaedi Muhammad Salik Nonong Muslim Nurul Laili Alfiana <p><em>Language has an important role in people's lives, because it is a tool of understanding between individuals and groups, and is an individual's weapon in dealing with many situations that require speaking, listening, writing or reading. The purpose of this research is to find out the basics of preparing educational materials for non-Arabic speakers in the book "Arabic for Students" and knowledge about the problem of applying the basics of preparing educational materials for non-Arabic speakers in the book "Arabic for Students". The research method used by the researcher is a scientific quantitative method in obtaining knowledge by using data or numbers. The research is divided into six chapters: type of research, research plan, research community and sample, data collection methods, research tools and data analysis. According to the researcher, the greatness of this research emphasizes the importance of the suitability of the book considering that the book "Basics of Compilation of Educational Books for Arabic-Speaking People" both aims to determine the production of the educational objectives obtained, reminiscent of activities in Berbera 4 in intensive Arabic teaching.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) المنهج الدراسي ٢٠١٣ لترقية نتيجة تعلم اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T12:02:37+00:00 Afifuddin Dimyati Suparto Latifatuz Zuhriyah Tadarrosatul Hikmiyah <p>This study aims to determine the results of learning Arabic after using the 2013 syllabus in class X and to find out what problems occur when the 2013 syllabus is applied in teaching Arabic.</p> <p>&nbsp;The type of research used is quantitative method, which is a systematic scientific research method on the parts and phenomena and the causality of their relationships.&nbsp; The purpose of quantitative research is to develop and use mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses related to natural phenomena.&nbsp; The subjects in this study were all teachers and students who were involved in Arabic subjects.&nbsp; Samples were taken randomly, namely taking 52 students from class X. The data and research sources taken were divided into two parts, namely qualitative data and quantitative data.</p> <p>&nbsp;The results of the research include general views about schools and Arabic language teaching by using data sources in the form of library theory taken from documents and books that are compatible with scientific research as well as field sources carried out directly in the field by researchers.&nbsp; In addition, interviews and documentation methods are also used</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق طريقة التعليم SAVI لترقية مهارة الترجمة من النصوص اللغة العربية 2022-08-13T03:31:12+00:00 Ida Mifatkhul Jannah M. Yunus Abu Bakar Lailul Mufidah D02210076.student@uinsby.acid Siti Zaimatut Taqiyah <p>Perkembangan Bahasa sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mempelajari Bahasa sama saja proses menuju kemajuan. Pendidikan tidak hanya bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan, hasil, Latihan, dan keterampilan saja, namun pendidikan harus mampu mendorong peserta didik dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuannya dan juga pengalamannya yang telah mereka dapatkan sebelumnya untuk penemuan-penemuan baru serta untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan baru bagi mereka. Maka dalam pembelajaran penting bagi guru untuk menggunakan metode pembelajaran. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang menarik untuk diterapkan adalah metode SAVI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan metode SAVI terhadap keterampilan penerjemahan dalam Bahasa Arab. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptrif kualitatif. Dengan Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur, baik melalui buku-buku, jurnal, majalan, maupun website. Setelah data dikumpulkan, maka peneliti menganalisis dan menguji data dengan mengkomparasikan beberapa sumber dan diambil sumber yang paling terpercaya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penggunaan metode SAVI untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penerjemahan adalah dengan melalui tiga langkah, yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap penyampaian, dan tahap pelatihan, yang ketiganya melibatkan somatis, auditori, visual, dan intelektual peserta didik saat proses penerjemahan.</p> 2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) لعبة Typed Game لترقية مهارة كتابة اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T12:26:41+00:00 Muhammad Thohir Yuanita Rachmawati Citra Puspita Maulida Muhammad Umar Zaid Alkhindi <p><em>Arabic is an important language to learn, so we will more easily understand the contents of the Qur'an. To get students' ability to learn Arabic, learning methods are needed that are relevant to their abilities so that they feel happy to learn it. Such as: dictation or imla' method, direct method, hiwar, memorization and so on. A teacher should use good, varied and fun methods and make students active and proficient in the language, especially in writing Arabic. One of the new methods that are considered interesting in learning Arabic is the educative method in learning Arabic, one of the interesting educative methods in learning Arabic is the "Typed Game". Using this method can help students to increase their Arabic vocabulary and can help a teacher to more easily guide students to write Arabic well and correctly, then with the Arabic vocabulary students can learn to make a sentence so that they can improve their skills. student writing. This study aims to determine the application of the Typed Game game in improving students' writing skills in learning Arabic. In essence, writing is a means of communicating with language between people and others who are not limited by time and place. In this case, a teacher teaches Arabic writing with muwajjah (guided). This stage is the initial stage of students in writing vocabulary, where the teacher helps and guides students to write Arabic vocabulary with proper and correct writing. The method used for data collection is observation, interview, questionnaire, test test by taking 43 students of class VIII as the sample. To be able to conclude the desired result, the T test formula (T test) is used. N=43 tt 1%= 2,704 5%=2,21 t0 = 13, 14, this indicates the application of Typed Game to improve students' writing skills.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) استخدام "المحفوظات" لترقية إتقان المفردات 2022-08-09T14:02:15+00:00 Aan Najib Hisbullah Huda Imam Syafi'i Ikrimah Maifandi <p><em>This study aims to determine how the use of mahfudzat in increasing the maharah al-kalam of students. Researchers used qualitative methods in this study. In collecting data, the researcher used learning outcomes measurement techniques, exams, interviews, observations, and documentation. Research has shown that the use of mahfudzat can improve students' maharah al-kalam or speaking skills. Mahfudzat is a short literary work that students study, they are assigned to memorize or memorize parts of it after studying and understanding, and they are the subject of literary studies at the elementary level, especially at the upper and intermediate levels. By using mahfudzat, students' speaking skills are improved.</em></p> 2022-08-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) أسلوب الدورية اليومية لترقية مهارة كتابة اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T12:36:11+00:00 Ahmad Zahro Muhammad Thohir Ivadatul Ahsaniyah Muhammad Umar Zaid Alkhindi <p><em>Writing skill is the highest and most difficult skill when compared to other skills in Arabic. This skill is a skill with a high level of difficulty. However, writing skill is a very important skill in every learning process. This writing skill is an Arabic skill that has the ability to make students able to write well. In fact, the writing skills possessed by each student are different from one another. Sometimes they are able to write well but sometimes some of them have not been able to write well This is due to their lack of interest in learning Arabic, especially writing skills. This is triggered by the lack of appropriate learning techniques used. Therefore, to provide them with convenience In an effort to improve their writing skills, researchers use the daily journaling technique, which is the practice of selecting or recording on a paper (or pages in a journal) a collection of thoughts, understandings, and explanations of an idea or concept. The purpose of this research is to determine the students' writing skills and the application of daily journaling techniques to students and to determine the effectiveness of the application of daily journaling techniques to these students. The method used by the researcher in this study is a quantitative method, namely the use of methods with a deductive-inductive approach. While the data collection methods used by researchers in this study are observation, interviews, documentation and tests. The results obtained from this study are that after the application of the technique daily journals, students' writing skills increased by 59.1% and the number of students. The effectiveness of the application of daily journaling techniques to improve students' writing skills is significant with a value of 0.6890.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق التعليم المخارج الحروف في ترقية مهارة الكلام 2022-08-13T04:47:35+00:00 M. Yunus Abu Bakar Hisbullah Huda Fatiya Nur Farikhah Umi Hanifah <p><em>Language is one of the needs of society in communicating with a variety of applications to be carried out. However, many students have difficulty in applying speaking skills using Arabic. This study aims to determine the application of education in improving Arabic speaking skills. Analysis The research method used is a quantitative method through the process of collecting digital data. This research uses descriptive research with field study method. Speaking skill is one of the language skills that must be achieved in modern language teaching. Many learners rely on learning correct pronunciation on imitation from the teacher, and while acknowledging the safety and accuracy of the teacher's pronunciation, they need organized training in imitating sounds and their output, and therefore the teacher should not leave the opportunity in which he or she helps his students to produce new and strange sounds. The application of cursive learning in developing students' speaking skills includes direct methods such as explaining Arabic sounds and how to get them out by instructing students to distinguish Arabic sounds that have a representative exit. the effectiveness of the application of Cursive Learning in improving speaking skills in teaching Arabic through the evaluation process of teachers, one of which is in pronouncing students' voices and identifying difficult language sounds to pronounce.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) وسائل التعليم "فلانيل بوارد" (Flannel Board) لترقية المهارة الكتابة 2022-08-06T12:49:25+00:00 Mohammad Salik Syafi'i Risa Qurrota A’yun Yasmin Firda Amalia <p><em>The research was conducted because of problems related to how the application, efficiency and effectiveness of the Flannel Board learning media to improve the writing skills of seventh graders at the Billingual Terpadu Junior High School Krian Sidoarjo to determine the application, efficiency and effectiveness of the Flannel Board learning media to improve the writing skills of seventh graders at Billingual Junior High School Terpadu Krian Sidoarjo Researchers chose the media "Flannel Board" because it is claimed that this media is more appropriate for education in this era because of the application of creative teaching. The research method, namely: Identifying topics related to writing skills in learning Arabic and focusing on the "Flannel Board" learning media for teaching Arabic. The object of this research is the seventh grade students of SMP Bilingual Terpadu Krian Sidoarjo. in the 2015-2016 school year. The learning media "Flannel Board" is one of the visual aids in the form of a blackboard made of flannel to compose pictures and words related to educational materials. Flannel board is a learning media that makes it easier for teachers to deliver lessons, because with this media teachers can provide educational material in an interesting way with the aim of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of student learning. and enthusiasm for student learning. because the creativity of teachers in managing learning is very influential on student learning outcomes</em><strong>.</strong></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) إستراتيجية مدرب التجمع (Rally Coach) في تعليم مهارة الكتابة للمبتدئين بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم 2022-08-06T13:02:43+00:00 Mubasyiroh Nurul Hikmah <p>لم يقدر تعليم مهارة الكتابة على أن يجعل الطلاب قادرين على كتابة العربية بشكل جيد وفقاً لقواعد اللغة العربية، أحد الأسباب هو عدم وجود الاستراتيجيات المتنوعة المستخدمة في عملية تعليم مهارة الكتابة. يهدف هذا البحث&nbsp; أن يجيب على سؤالين: ١) كيف تطبيق إستراتيجية مدرب التجمع <em>(</em><em>Rally Coach)</em> في تعليم مهارة الكتابة للطلاب المبتدئين في جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج. ٢) كيف كفاءة مهارة الكتابة للطلاب المبتدئين بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج باستخدام إستراتيجية مدرب التجمع <em>(</em><em>Rally Coach)</em>. هذا البحث بحث إجرائي وصفي بعدد العينة ست وثلاثين طالبا في قسم العلوم والتكنولوجيا في جامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج. تصميم هذا البحث على أساس بحث إجرائي وصفي لKemmis &amp; Mc. Taggart الذي تم إجراءه على دورتين، تتكون كل دورة بمراحل التخطيط والإعداد والعمل. تم جمع البيانات من خلال تقنيات المراقبة والاختبار والتوثيق. ومن نتائج البحث: ١) إن إستراتيجية مدرب <em>ac</em>التجمع في تعليم مهارة الكتابة خمسة مراحل، (أ) تقسيم جميع الطلاب إلى مجاميع ثنائية بحيث يكونون متجاورين&nbsp; وليس متقابلتين (ب) تقسيم جميع الطلاب من المجموعة "أ" والمجموعة "ب" وأعطى المعلم صورة كل المجموعة ومراحل الكتابة، (ج) تبدأ المجموعة "أ" أن تحل السؤال و تلاحظ مجموعة "ب"، وتستمعها، وتقيمها، (د) تحل مجموعة "ب" السؤال التالي تلاحظ مجموعة "أ، وتستمعها، وتقيمها (هـ) كررت المجموعة تغيير الدور لحل المشكلة التالية.٢) يحصل هذا البحث على كفاءة مهارة الكتابة باستخدام إستراتيجية مدرب التجمع <em>(</em><em>Rally Coach)</em> في تعليم مهارة الكتابة للمبتدئين بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج في كل مؤشر من الحلقة الأولى والحلقة الثانية ويحصل على ترقية نتيجة للطلاب المبتدئين.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تأثير تطبيق "الطريقة مستقلي" لترقية مهارة القراءة 2022-08-06T13:07:21+00:00 Ali Wafa Aan Najib Muhyiddin Mufidatun Najah <p><em>Membaca merupakan salah satu ketrampilan dari beberapa ketrampilan berbahasa. Kegiatan membaca lebih banyak dititik beratkan pada ketrampilan membaca dari pada teori membaca itu sendiri. Hal ini dapat kita pahami bahwa membaca merupakan kegiatan untuk memperoleh pesan yang hendak disampaikan penulis melalui media kata-kata atau bahasa tulis. Metode pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan membaca sangatlah beragam diantaranya metode mustaqilly, Metode mustaqilly merupakan metode yang cepat untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan dalam bahasa arab misalnya seperti membaca kitab, terjemah, menulis, dan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Arab. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin meneliti tentang Pengaruh penerapan metode Mustaqilly untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan membaca.</em></p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق التعلم العربي القائم على التعلم الخدمي والتفكير التصميمي لدى الطلبة 2022-08-06T13:17:37+00:00 Anita Andriya Ningsih Muhammad Mubasysyir Munir <p>Arabic learning is in fact a learning that is considered boring, meaningless and not related to the reality of life and lacks practice. This is because the stages, learning models used by the teachers become very monotonous, uncreative and unpleasant. As a result of these obstacles, students increasingly do not have a good interest in learning and the learning process is also not conducive.</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to provide a learning model that makes students more participatory and creative. Service learning is a method where students learn and develop through active participation and experience in well-regulated service activities that are in accordance with the needs of the community while design thinking is a method that carries out a design process where this method is a problem solving that focuses on users or users. The results of this study show that the implementation of service learning-based Arabic learning in this study consists of three stages and design thinking consists of three stages</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطبيق الطريقة الانتقائية في تعليم مهارة الكتابة لطلاب الصف الثاني بمعهد دار الأرقام فاتيان كيندال 2021/ 2022 2022-08-06T13:29:49+00:00 Ilmayani Wiguna Aji Ulfah Susilawati <p>طريقة التعليم هي إحدى من أركان التعليم المهمة. هناك العلاقة الكبيرة بين إستعمال طريقة التعليم المناسبة مع نجاح التعليم خصوصا في تعليم مهارة الكتابة. لذلك يحتاج المعلمون إلى الاستمرار في ابتكارات جديدة. لهذه المشكلة جرب المدرس على إستخدام الطريقة الإنتقائية. أما أهداف البحث هو لمعرفة تطبيق الطريقة الإنتقائية و لوصف مشكلات في تعليم مهارة الكتابة بالطريقة الإنتقائية لطلاب الصف الثاني بمعهد دار الأرقام فاتيان كيندال ومعرفة حلول المشكلات في تعليمها.&nbsp; هذا البحث هو بحث نوعي و طريقة جمع البيانات في هذا البحث العلمي فهي تتكون على الطريقة المقابلة و الطريقة الوثائقية و الطريقة الملاحظة لجمع البيانات. و تحصل النتيجة كما يلي: قبل تطبيق الطريقة الإنتقائية. (1) يعرف المعلم&nbsp; كيف تحدد خصائص الطلاب. (2) يقوم بتحليل مدى ملاءمة الطريقة التي سيطبقها مع أهداف التعليم. الطرق المستخدمة في تطبيق الطريقة الإنتقائية منهم طريقة العرض التوضيحي، الطريقة السمعية اللغوية، الطريقة المحاضرة، الطريقة الإملائية ، الطريقة الأسئلة والأجوبة، الطريقة القواعد والترجمة. عملية تعليمها تنقسم بثلاث مراحل و هي: (1) مرحلة التحطيط و (2) مرحلة التنفيذ و (3) مرحلة التقييم. مشكلات و حلها في تعليم اللغة العربية فهي كما يلي: (1) عدم اكتمال المرافق والبنية التحتية في الفصل الدراسي بحيث تعيق فعالية التعليم باستخدام الطريقة الإنتقائية، لذلك فإن الحل هو إعداد خطة احتياطية أخرى في التعليم. (2) خلفيات الطلاب المختلفة حلها من خلال إعطاء الأسئلة مباشرة لقياس فهم الطلاب ولن يغير المعلمون فصولا جديدة قبل أن يفهمها الطلاب.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد 2022-08-15T05:29:13+00:00 Saiul Anah Hani’atul Khoiroh Almanna Wassalwa <p>أهداف هذا البحث: (1) معرفة تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد (2). معرفة اساليب تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد (3) معرفة منافع نماذج تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد.</p> <p>استخدمنا البحوث منهج البحث المدخل الكيفي بالمنهج الوصفي بدراسة الحالة. والبيانات لهذا البحث هي نوع تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة. وجمعتها البحوث من ملاحظة بالتوثيق والمقابلة. وحللتها بطريقة الطراز التفاعلي.&nbsp;</p> <p>فنتائج البحث دلت على: (1) أنواع تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة المهيمنة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد: نماذج متعددة و التخصصات لعملية التعليمية. (2) اساليب تعليم اللغة العربية على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة في العصر الطبيعي الجديد هما أ). أسلوب أسئلة والأجوبة. أسلوب أسئلة الأجوبة تنقسم إلى قسمين : السؤال المغلوق (السؤال الذي يكون جوابا) و السؤال المفتوح (السؤال الذي كثير الجواب). ب). أسلوب المحاضرة هي التخصصات في عملية التعلم لكل الأسبوع لتقدم أمام الفصل لخطابة بموضوع مناسبا في كتاب اللغة العربية. ج). أسلوب المناقشة.&nbsp; 3). منافع تعليم الذكاءات المتعددة لتسهيل التعليم وتدافع وتخصيص التعليم.</p> <p>والإستنتاج النظري لهذا البحث أن إستخدام التعليم على ضوء الذكاءات المتعددة تسهم في إثارة الدافعية وتشخيص خصائص ذكاء لطلبة.</p> 2022-08-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) توفر احتياجات أساليب التعلم الثلاثة في تعليم مهارات اللغة العربية 2022-08-06T13:50:03+00:00 Rikhlatul Ilmiah <p>Setiap orang, secara alami, memiliki satu atau dua komponen dari tiga gaya belajar, yaitu visual, auditorial dan kinestetik. Gaya belajar setiap individu menjadi karakteristik dalam dirinya yang terbentuk dari pola komunikasi dalam kehidupannya, situasi lingkungan serta kelebihsukaan. Gaya belajar merupakan pendekatan secara umum terutama pembelajaran bahasa untuk mengoptimalkan prosesnya. Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang sangat mengedepankan pemberdayaan secara individu membutuhkan motivasi personal dari setiap pembelajar. Identifikasi terhadap preferensi gaya belajar pembelajar bahasa membantu pengajar untuk mengembangkan desain pembelajaran dikelas. Hal tersebut juga akan membantu pengajar dalam memilih dan mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai. Tulisan ini akan memetakan pembelajaran kemampuan bahasa Arab berdasarkan preferensi gaya belajar setiap individu.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) كلمة مشمول و شامل في القصص القصيرة لكامل الكيلاني (دراسة تحليلية دلالية) 2022-08-06T14:00:52+00:00 Miftahul Mufid Siti Mukhorida <p>Dalam semantik ada enam relasi makna. Salah satunya adalah hiponimi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengkhususkan pada kata hiponimi dan hipernimi dalam cerpen Kamil Al-Kilani. Karena dalam cerpen Kamil Al-Kilani terdapat Kata Hiponimi dan Hipernimi. Dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk memahami kalimat yang menunjukkan makna kata hiponimi dalam cerpen Kamil al-Kilani. Kedua, memahami kata hiponimi dan hipernimi dalam cerpen karya Kamil al-Kilani. Metode penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif atau studi deskriptif. Yang mana metode ini digunakan dalam studi analisis tentang kata hiponimi dan hipernimi dalam cerpen Kamil Al-Kilani. Adapun hasil penelitian, pertama, kalimat yang menunjukkan makna hiponimi dalam cerpen Kamil Al-Kilani adalah dua puluh delapan. Kedua, kata hiponimi ditandai dengan adanya unsur hiponimi dan hipernimi sehingga unsur-unsur tersebut dapat diidentifikasi antara hiponimi dan hipernimi.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) تطوير الاختبار بقويزيز كرياتور في تعليم اللغة العربية من الكتاب الدراسى "الشامل" لدى الطلاب بجامعة والى سونجو الإسلامية الحكومية سمارانج 2022-08-06T14:10:42+00:00 Inayah Musta'anatussaniah Muhammad Fahrun Nadhif Syafi'i Jauhari <p>تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة والى سونجو الإسلامية الحكومية من التعليم الأساسى، سواء كان للطلاب في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية أم للطلاب غيرها. لأن اللغة العربية إحدى المواد الجامعية الأساسية مناسبة بالرؤية والرسالة للجامعة. والكتاب الدراسى المستخدم في الجامعة لمادة اللغة العربية هو الكتاب "الشامل" الذي ألفه فخر الدين عزيز وعارفنا نور خالق وأحمد عزيز عابدين. يحتوى هذا الكتاب على خمس وحدات أى خمس موضوعات وهي 1ـ الأعمال اليومية (تليها القاعدة النحوية : مفهوم الجملة والجملة والكلمة والحرف، علامات الكلمات الاسم والفعل والحرف وتقسيمها، والقاعدة الصرفية : فَعَلَ يَفْعُلُ). 2ـــ في الجامعة (تليها القاعدة النحوية : الجملة الاسمية، تقسيمات الأسماء، أنواع الخبر، والقاعدة الصرفية : فَعَلَ يَفْعِلُ). 3ـــ الثقافة الإسلامية (تليها القاعدة النحوية : الجملة الفعلية، تقسيمات الفعل باعتبار زمانه، تقسيمات الفعل باعتبار حاجاته لمفعول، تقسيمات الفعل باعتبار بنائه، والقاعدة الصرفية : فَعَلَ يَفْعَلُ). 4ــــ دور الشباب في بناء الأمة (تليها القاعدة النحوية : أنواع الإعراب، علامة إعراب الرفع، علامة إعراب النصب،&nbsp; والقاعدة الصرفية : فَعِلَ يَفْعَلُ). 5ــــ وحدة العلوم (تليها القاعدة النحوية : علامة إعراب الجر، علامة إعراب الجزم، عامل جوازم، والقاعدة الصرفية : فَعُلَ يَفْعُلُ). وكلّ من تلك المواد يحتاج إلى تطوير أداة التقويم لقياس الكفاءة اللغوية لدى الطلاب من المهارات الأربعة وهي مهارة الاستماع ومهارة الكلام ومهارة القراءة ومهارة الكتابة. واختاروا الباحثون قويزيز كرياتور Quiziz Creator للاختبار أن هذا البرنامج مساعدة على حصول القيمة المباشرة في انتهاءها ووجود الأنواع من الاختبار مثل الاختيار من المتعدد واملاء الفراغ والصواب والخطأ، وتنوع الاستجابات والمزاوجة وتسلسل وبنك الكلمات وضغط الخريطة والمقالة القصيرة. من هذه المميزات، فطبعا لها آثار في حماسة الطلاب في تعليم اللغة العربية متشوقا. ومن ناحية عملية التعليم والتعلم، أن التقويم المناسب يمكن أن يعكس الكفاءة بالمعيار الجامعى. طريقة البحث المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي طريقة شبه التجربة بتصميم مجموعة الاختبار النهائى Summative Test ببرمجية قويزيز كرياتور حيث يصمّم الباحثون الاختبار بقويزيز كرياتور وتجربة هذا الاختبار المطوّر من الكتاب الدراسى "الشامل" مع تطبيق استخدامها لدى الطلاب بجامعة والى سونجو الإسلامية الحكومية سمارانج. مجتمع البحث من هذا البحث هو الطلاب بجامعة والى سونجو الإسلامية الحكومية، وعينته هو الطلاب لقسم التربية الإسلامية وقسم تربية المدرّسين للمدرسة الإبتدائية وقسم التوجيه والإرشاد الإسلامى وقسم الاتصالية والنشرات الإسلامية وقسم علم السياسة. والعدد من العينة هو 228 أشخاص. والطريقة المستخدمة في أخذ العينة هي العمدية purposive sampling والعشوائية حيث أخذ الباحثون طلابا بخلفية الدراسة المختلفة والكفاءة المتنوعة في اللغة العربية. والعينة العمدية من نوع المعاينة اللاحتمالية أو غير الاحتمالية non probability sampling. والعينة العمدية يسمى أيضا بالعينة الغرضية أو القصدية. حيث قام الباحثون باختيار هذه العينة اختيارا حرا على أساس أنها تحقق أغراض الدراسة التي يقوموا بها. أما الطريقة العشوائية فلأن العينة في هذا البحث تتكوّن من الطلاب الذين يدرسون اللغة العربية باستخدام أداة التقويم الاختبار من برنامج قويزيز كرياتور. وأدوات البحث المستخدمة لهذا البحث هي الملاحظة والاختبار. ونتيجة البحث أن الاختبار بقويزيز كرياتور في تعليم اللغة العربية من الكتاب الدراسى "الشامل" لدى الطلاب بجامعة والى سونجو الإسلامية الحكومية سمارانج مساعدة على حصول الدرجة أو القيمة الجيدة في الامتحان النهائى لدى الطلاب حيث أن قيمة المتوسط لدى الطلاب على 73،1 بقياس B وهو على درجة الجيد.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MATERI AJAR BAHASA ARAB DI ERA POST HUMANISME 2022-08-06T14:15:46+00:00 Wulan Indah Fatimatul Djamilah <p>Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan pembahasan tentang materi ajar yang perlu diajarkan pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab di era post-humanisme. Menurut profesor Suwardi Enraswara, paradigma post-humanisme menyatakan posisi manusia sejajar dengan yang lain, baik hewan, tumbuhan atau segala hal lain yang ada di muka bumi ini. Manusia tidak lagi selalu menjadi central, tidak perlu merasa lebih, bahkan dari debu yang berkesempatan sama diangkat sebagai objek kajian materi pembelajaran termasuk dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Sementara itu, sebagaimana diketahui bahwa era 4.0 telah membawa banyak perubahan dalam dimensi kehidupan manusia. Digitalisasi menjadi hal yang tak terelakkan, segala lini kehidupan yang dulu banyak ditangani manusia bergeser menjadi dilakukan robot/ mesin. Manusia tidak lagi menjadi center of point atau primadona subjek dalam semua dan sebuah bidang. Hal ini selaras dengan paradigma era post-humanisme yang dibahas. Pergeseran tersebut juga menuntut perubahan paradigma dalam menentukan materi ajar di dunia pendidikan, tak terkecuali dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Pada sebuah pembelajaran, materi ajar adalah ruhnya. Karena melalui materi ajar, pengajar mempunyai alat dalam rangka membantu peserta didik mencapai tujuan pada pembelajaran tersebut. Dan tujuan pembelajaran tersebut merujuk pada kompetensi yang sudah ditetapkan, dimana kompetensi itu yang akan menjadikan peserta didik siap dan mampu menjalani kehidupan juga menghadapi tantangan hidupnya. Jadi materi ajar akan sangat berkaitan erat dengan bagaimana zaman dan tantangan yang akan dihadapi peserta didik dengan menyiapkan kompetensi dirinya.</p> <p>Pada tulisan ini penulis membahas materi ajar bahasa Arab yang perlu diajarkan pada era post humanisme ini. Pembahasan ini berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan bidang kajian dan sumbernya yang dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kompetensi yang dituju. Sehingga akan menghasilkan berbagai varian materi ajar dengan ke-khas-an yang sesuai bidang kajian. Dalam hal ini, bahasa Arab dipandang dari fungsi bukan hanya sebagai bahan kajian saja untuk jurusan tertentu akan tetapi juga sebagai bahasa pengantar pada setiap kajian keilmuan berbagai bidang tersebut.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) التعبيرات الاصطلاحية القرآنية في اللغة العربية المعاصرة: استراتيجية ترجمتها في ضوء الدراسة الدلالية 2022-08-06T14:25:57+00:00 Naifah Rosidi <p>Salah satu rujukan Bahasa Arab fusha adalah al-Quran. Penguasaan idiom Qur’ani oleh pembelajar Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu indikator pencapaian keterampilan Bahasa Arab level tinggi. Memahami idiom dianggap sebagai isu yang problematis bagi pembelajar bahasa kedua, karena sulit untuk memprediksi makna literal dari bagian-bagian komponennya. Maka, kajian semantik melalui penerjemahan sangat diperlukan untuk mengungkap maknanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui strategi penerjemahan idiom Qur’ani ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan mendeteksi penggunaannya dalam Bahasa Arab Kontemporer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dari kamus-kamus idiom kontemporer dan dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif semantik melalui terjemahan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: Idiom Qur’ani diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia menggunakan delapan strategi penerjemahan, yaitu strategi sinonim, parafrase, strategi literal, padanan budaya, transfer dan naturalisasi, modulasi, padanan deskriptif, dan analisis komponen. Terjemahan tersebut mendapat nilai rata-rata dari pakar 90.448 sehingga dikategorikan istimewa. Hasil dokumentasi penelitian ini diterbitkan dalam buku ber-ISBN berjudul Idiom Qur’ani dalam Bahasa Arab Kontemporer.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Dinamika Mengajar Thariqah Intiqaiyyah Secara Daring 2022-08-06T14:33:07+00:00 Elok Nadlirotul Khusniya Abdillah Mahbubi Majidatun Ahmala Umi Hanifah <p><em>Thariqah intiqaiyyah</em> merupakan salah satu metode mengajar yang dianggap aktif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa disebabkan sifatnya yang terintegrasi dengan berbagai metode mengajar bahasa yang lain, seperti <em>thariqah qawaid wa tarjamah, thariqah mubasyarah, dan thariqah sam’iyyah syafawiyyah</em>. Namun seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran, maka berbagai metode pun disesuaikan dengan sistem daring yang digunakan untuk mempermudah proses pembelajaran selama pandemi covid-19 berlangsung. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dinamika implementasi <em>thariqah intiqaiyyah</em> dalam pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai upaya menyingkap bagaimana dinamika mengajar <em>thariqah intiqaiyyah</em> yang dilakukan dengan daring. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan di lembaga sosial dan pendidikan <em>Selvopment Space</em> Bahasa Arab Batch 6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan <em>thariqah intiqaiyyah</em> yang dilakukan secara daring dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih bervariasi sebagaimana pembelajaran tatap muka, namun disebabkan kendala media, seperti sinyal menyebabkan adanya miskomunikasi antara guru dan siswa terhadap penyampaian pesan selama proses pembelajaran. Namun, evaluasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru selama proses pembelajaran, membuat guru senantiasa melakukan inovasi pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan kombinasi antar metode dalam pembelajaran.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI METODE QIRO’AH DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DARING BAHASA ARAB 2022-08-07T15:24:02+00:00 Mayada Dina Aulia Muhammad Difa Ulinnuha Alfarhani Majidatun Ahmala Ahmad Fauzi <p>Membaca(<em>Qiro’ah) </em>&nbsp;merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan daya berpikir siswa. Membaca text berbahasa Arab membutuhkan pemahaman frasa, klausa, kalimat, teks secara keseluruhan dan penguasaan tata bahasa yang baik agar dapat memahami dan&nbsp; menyerap informasi yang ada di bacaan. Pembelajaran selama pandemic yang dilakukan secara daring membuat guru berinovasi dalam setiap proses belajar mengajarnya,oleh sebab itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyingkap lebih dalam implementasi metode qiro’ah dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang dilakukan secara daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yang dilakukan di SMP Islam Terpadu Bakti Ibu Madiun. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII &nbsp;yang sudah memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Arab lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelas VII. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunkan dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara , dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan metode qiro’ah dalam pembelajaran daring dilakukan dengan tiga prinsip, yaitu: 1) prinsip prioritas untuk mengetahui aspek dasar yang harus dikuasai siswa; 2) prinsip ketepatan makharijul huruf dalam membaca teks; dan 3) prinsip penugasan yang diberikan Selama pembelajaran daring agar melatih siswa belajar bahasa Arab secara mandiri.</p> 2022-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON ARABIC LECTURERS’ PEDAGOGICAL, PROFESSIONAL, PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL COMPETENCE 2022-08-08T10:51:51+00:00 Rizki Parahita Anandi <p>The quality of education is indicated by the quality of the teachers. Ideally, teachers should have a good pedagogical, professional, personality and social competence. Salatiga State Islamic University gives opportunity to the students to evaluate their teachers at the end of every semester using the Teachers’ Evaluation Form. Students’ feedback can help teachers to evaluate their teaching performance. Therefore, this study was aimed at analyzing the students’ evaluation on the teachers’ competence. The evaluation form consists of four aspects and 24 items. The aspects include pedagogical (9 items), professional (5 items), personality (5 items) and social (5 items) competence. Approximately, 23 students of Arabic Language Education Department have participated in this study to rate 6 teachers using the 5-point likert scale instrument. The data was then analyzed using Facet from Rasch Model. The results showed that teaching experience does not influence their teaching performance since they gave higher ratings to the teacher with less than 10 years of experience as compared to the ratings they gave to the teachers with more than 20 years of teaching experience. The study also revealed that teachers still have low competency in some aspects. For example, in item number 13 asking about teachers’ professional competence, item number 21 asking about teachers’ social competence and item number 6 and 7 about teachers’ pedagogical competence. This indicated that teachers still have difficulty in evaluating students’ learning ability, they do not always give feedback to their students’ performances, they do not teach using the very latest issues about the course. Besides, it is also hard for them to get to know their students personally. These students’ feedback can be a valuable insight to the teachers to evaluate their competence so that they can improve their competence and teaching performances.</p> 2022-08-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)