The Bugis Lontara Calendar in Islamic Perspective A Dating System Used To Determine Good Days and Bad Days in the Bugis Tribe

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Ade Putra


This study discusses the Lontara Bugis calendar manuscript from an Islamic perspective, which explains the quality of good and bad times in one day, which is seen based on Appamulang Esso along with the symbols listed and an analysis of the determination of good and bad days in it. This study aimed to find out the meanings contained in the symbols, including mallobbang, mallise, wuju, pulangĀ  pokok/ pole bola and to find out how the Islamic religious perspective on the determination of good and bad days contained in the calendar. The results of this study indicate that the text implies whether the quality of time is good or not good for starting an activity that is seen from one day. The function of the Bugis Lontara Calendar manuscript for the Bugis community is as a guide in starting activities. The foundation of the Lontara Bugis calendar is the same as the Islamic calendar, which is based on the circulation of the Moon. This study shows that all days in the Lontara Bugis perspective are good. However, there are even better days in which it is based on the analysis contained in the Bugis calendar system.

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How to Cite
Ade Putra. (2022). The Bugis Lontara Calendar in Islamic Perspective: A Dating System Used To Determine Good Days and Bad Days in the Bugis Tribe. Proceeding of International Conference on Sharia and Law, 1(1), 108-112. Retrieved from