Implications of Neo-Mabims Criteria on the Determination of 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 AH A Critical Study of Matla' Theory in Hadith

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Muthi’ah Hijriyati
Ahmad Fakhruddin Fajrul Islam


 Mabims criteria that have been implemented in Indonesia since Ramadan 1433 Hijriyah have become a new discourse, the criteria for the minimum height of the hilal of  3 degrees and elongation of 6.4 degrees, annull the previous criteria, namely the minimum height of the hilal of 2 degrees, elongation of 3 degrees and hilal mucus for 8 hours. This change became a new problem considering that on 29 Dhulqa'dah 1443 H all regions in Indonesia had not yet reached the latest Imkanur rukyah MABIMS criteria. Meanwhile, things are different in the Makkah region. Therefore, this research was conducted aiming to find out the implications of the latest MABIMS criteria on the determination of 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 H with the analysis of Ma'anil Hadith related to Mat}la' as the theoretical basis used. Using qualitative research methods with data collection by library research. This data is both primary and secondary to be analyzed by interconnecting the theory of ma'anil hadith with the conception of the visibility of the new moon in the latest MABIMS criteria. The results of this study illustrate that the difference in mat}la' has emerged since the time of the Companions, as in the hadith narrated by Kuraib, and this becomes the basis for the possibility of different days for certain regions on Earth, as in Saudi Arabia which performs wukuf in Arafah and Eid al-Adha is different from in Indonesia. Of course, this is not the first time in Indonesia, but potential conflicts and theoretical weaknesses must be resolved for the common good.

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How to Cite
HijriyatiM., & Ahmad Fakhruddin Fajrul Islam. (2022). Implications of Neo-Mabims Criteria on the Determination of 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 AH : A Critical Study of Matla’ Theory in Hadith. Proceeding of International Conference on Sharia and Law, 1(1), 104-107. Retrieved from

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