Islamic Values Reflected in Steven’s Professionalism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of The Day

  • Reno Setiyowati Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Islamic values; Stevens’ professionalism; motivation


Islam has universal values for its teachings are for all human beings live from Prophet Muhammads time until the end of the world. This study investigates the reflection of Islamic values in Stevens professionalism and the motif of Stevens professionalism. This research uses a qualitative method for it is library research. It uses Islamic perspective and new criticism to reveal Stevens professionalism, reflection on Islamic values, and motif. The study found that Stevens professionalism represents one side of the Islamic worldview which becomes the purpose of human creation in this world upon which professionalism in Islam comprehended. Stevens professionalism is the moral vision highlighted into three aspects: humanity, dignity, and loyalty. His concept shaped the very purpose of his life that he identified as a professional butler. Unfortunately, his professionalism is missing the spiritual dimension as his professionalism is motivated by emotional motivation. In conclusion, the reflection of Islamic values in Stevens professionalism has strengthened the validity of Islamic teachings. In contrast, the missing spiritual dimension has omitted the other side of humanity in the working world.
