Literature Review: Association of Iron Deficiency Anemia with Cognitive Function in Adolescents

  • dedy suprayogi
  • Aynun Khamidah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Fitri Aprilia Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Kholifah Dian Khasanah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Eko Teguh Pribadi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
Keywords: Iron Deficiency Anemia, Cognitive Function, Adolescent


The prevalence of anemia in adolescents in Indonesia shows a high number with a percentage that is close to the category of severe public health problems. Anemia has an impact on the decline in cognitive function which in turn will affect intelligence, mental health, psychosocial, and the maturation process. A literature review study design by searching for research articles on the parameters of the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and cognitive function of adolescents aged 10-19 years using Google Scholar and ScienceDirect databases in the range of publication years between 2017-2022. 10 selected articles with 8 articles being conclusive and 2 articles being inconclusive, within parameters of learning achievement, school performance, concentration, cognitive response, cognitive behavior, irritability, expressed emotion, EEG, and mediation models In general, there is a significant relationship between anemia and cognitive function. However, this function itself has various aspects and measurement parameters so that further systematic studies are needed to find deeper patterns of relationships in a wider range of age groups.

Author Biography

dedy suprayogi




Apriyanti, F. 2019. Relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in young women at SMAN I Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency in 2019. The Doppler Journal of the Tuanku Tambusai University. [online] 3(2), 18-21. Available from: [accessed 15th October 2022].

Badireddy, M. & Baradhi, KM .2022. Chronic Anemia. Treasure Island Florida, Stat Pearls Publishing LLC.

Cerqueira, CT, Almeida, JRC, Sato, JR, Gorenstein, C., Gentil, V., Leite, CC, Amaro, Jr. E. & Busatto, GF. 2010. Cognitive Control Associated with Irritability Induction: An Autobiographical Recall fMRI Study. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. [online] 32(2), 109-118. Available from: doi:10.1590/s1516-44462010000200004 [accessed 25th October 2022].

Devi, SA & Rahayu, T. 2018. Relationship of Vital Signs and Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Concentration in Adolescent Girls. Journal of Biology Study Program, UNY. [online] 7(5), 281-289. Available from: [accessed 25th October 2022].

Dumilah, PRA & Sumarmi, S. 2017. The Relationship between Anemia and Student Achievement at Bina Insani Superior Middle School. Amrita Nutrition. [online] 1(4), 331-340. Available from: doi:10.20473/amnt.v1.i4.2017.331-340 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Gardner, W. & Kassebaum, N. 2020. Global, Regional, and National Prevalence of Anemia and Its Causes in 204 Countries and Territories 1990-2019. Current Developments in Nutrition. [online] 4(2), 830. Available from: [accessed 14th October 2022].

Ginsberg, L. 2005. Lecture Notes: Neurology. Jakarta, Erlangga Publisher. 2018. 4 Indonesian Adolescent Health Problems. [online] Available from: [accessed 15th October 2022].

Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2013. Basic Health Research 2013. Jakarta, Agency for Health Research and Development of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2019. National RISKESDAS Report 2018. Jakarta, Agency for Health Research and Development of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kumar, AP, Omprakash, A., Kuppusamy, M., Maruthy, KN, Sathiyasekaran, BWC, Vijayaraghavan, PV & Ramaswamy, P. 2022. How Does Cognitive Function Measured by the Reaction Time and Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency Correlate with the Academic Performance of Students. BMC Medical Education. [online] 20, 507. Available from: [accessed 25th October 2022].

Mosino, A., Villagomez-Estrada, KP & Prieto-Patron, A. 2020. Association between School Performance and Anemia in Adolescents in Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. [online] 17(5), 1466. Available from: doi:10.3390/ijerph17051466 [accessed 21th October 2022].

O'Regan, C., Cronin, H. & Kenny, RA. 2022. Mental Health and Cognitive Function. Fifty Plus in Ireland 2011 First Results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging. [online] 157-180. Available from: [accessed 16th October 2022].

Pandiangan, RR, Brahmana, NB, Tarigan, YG & Silitonga, E. 2022. The Relationship between Breakfast Habits and the Incidence of Anemia on Learning Achievement of Young Girls at SMPN 5 One Roof Pangururan in 2022. TEKESNOS Journal. [online] 4(1), 248-258. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Prasetya, KAH, Wihandani, DM & Sutadarma, WG 2019. The Relationship between Anemia and Learning Achievement in Class XI Students at SMAN 1 Abiansemal Badung. E-JOURNAL MEDIKA. [online] 8(1), 46-51. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Puspitasari, HKE & Nissa, C. 2018. The Relationship of Breakfast Habits, Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Achievement of Young Women with Over Nutritional Status. Indonesian Journal of Nutrition College. [online] 7(3), 100-106. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Rotua, M. 2022. Relationship between Nutritional Status and Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Achievement at SMAN 14 Palembang. Journal of Health Poltekkes Palembang. [online] 13(2), 90-97. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Sanders, RA. 2013. Adolescent Psychosocial, Social, and Cognitive Development. Pediatrics in Review. [online] 34(8), 354-359. Available from: [accessed 17th October 2022].

Sharma, S., Garg, A. & Gupta, C. 2019. A Comparative Study of Audiovisual Reaction Time in Anemic and Nonanemic Adolescent Girls. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology. [online] 4(2), 40-43. Available from: doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0102 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Siauta, JA, Indrayani, T. & Bombing, K. 2020. Relation of Anemia with Student Achievement at SMP Negeri Kelila, Central Mamberamo Regency in 2018. Journal for Quality in Women's Health. [online] 3(1), 82-86. Available from: doi:10.30994/jqwh.v3i1.55 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Ucar, HN, Koker, SA &Tekin, U. 2020. Irritability and Perceived Expressed Emotion in Adolescents with Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Case-Control Study. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. [online] 42(6), 403-409. Available from: doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000001663 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Wenger, MJ, Kolb, LEM, Scott, SP, Boy, E. & Haas, JD 2022. Modeling Relationships between Iron Status, Behavior, and Brain Electrophysiology: Evidence from A Randomized Study Involving Biofortified Grain in Indian Adolescents. BMC Public Health. [online] 22, 1299. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Youssef, MAM, Hassan, ES & Yasien, DG. 2020. Effect of Iron Deficiency Anemia on Language Development in Preschool Egyptian Children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. [online] 135. Available from: [accessed 14th October 2022]. Apriyanti, F. (2019) Relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in young women at SMAN I Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency in 2019. The Doppler Journal of the Tuanku Tambusai University. [online] 3(2), 18-21. Available from: [accessed 15th October 2022].

Badireddy, M. & Baradhi, KM. 2022. Chronic Anemia. Treasure Island Florida, Stat Pearls Publishing LLC.

Cerqueira, CT, Almeida, JRC, Sato, JR, Gorenstein, C., Gentil, V., Leite, CC, Amaro, Jr. E. & Busatto, GF. 2010). Cognitive Control Associated with Irritability Induction: An Autobiographical Recall fMRI Study. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. [online] 32(2), 109-118. Available from: doi:10.1590/s1516-44462010000200004 [accessed 25th October 2022].

Devi, SA & Rahayu, T. 2018. Relationship of Vital Signs and Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Concentration in Adolescent Girls. Journal of Biology Study Program, UNY. [online] 7(5), 281-289. Available from: [accessed 25th October 2022].

Dumilah, PRA & Sumarmi, S. 2017. The Relationship between Anemia and Student Achievement at Bina Insani Superior Middle School. Amrita Nutrition. [online] 1(4), 331-340. Available from: doi:10.20473/amnt.v1.i4.2017.331-340 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Gardner, W. & Kassebaum, N. 2020. Global, Regional, and National Prevalence of Anemia and Its Causes in 204 Countries and Territories 1990-2019. Current Developments in Nutrition. [online] 4(2), 830. Available from: [accessed 14th October 2022].

Ginsberg, L. 2005. Lecture Notes: Neurology. Jakarta, Erlangga Publisher. 2018. 4 Indonesian Adolescent Health Problems. [online] Available from: [accessed 15th October 2022].

Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2013. Basic Health Research 2013. Jakarta, Agency for Health Research and Development of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2019. National RISKESDAS Report 2018. Jakarta, Agency for Health Research and Development of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kumar, AP, Omprakash, A., Kuppusamy, M., Maruthy, KN, Sathiyasekaran, BWC, Vijayaraghavan, PV & Ramaswamy, P. 2022. How Does Cognitive Function Measured by the Reaction Time and Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency Correlate with the Academic Performance of Students. BMC Medical Education. [online] 20, 507. Available from: [accessed 25th October 2022].

Mosino, A., Villagomez-Estrada, KP & Prieto-Patron, A. 2020. Association between School Performance and Anemia in Adolescents in Mexico. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. [online] 17(5), 1466. Available from: doi:10.3390/ijerph17051466 [accessed 21th October 2022].

O'Regan, C., Cronin, H. & Kenny, RA. 2022. Mental Health and Cognitive Function. Fifty Plus in Ireland 2011 First Results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging. [online] 157-180. Available from: [accessed 16th October 2022].

Pandiangan, RR, Brahmana, NB, Tarigan, YG & Silitonga, E. 2022. The Relationship between Breakfast Habits and the Incidence of Anemia on Learning Achievement of Young Girls at SMPN 5 One Roof Pangururan in 2022. TEKESNOS Journal. [online] 4(1), 248-258. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Prasetya, KAH, Wihandani, DM & Sutadarma, WG. 2019. The Relationship between Anemia and Learning Achievement in Class XI Students at SMAN 1 Abiansemal Badung. E-JOURNAL MEDIKA. [online] 8(1), 46-51. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Puspitasari, HKE & Nissa, C. 2018. The Relationship of Breakfast Habits, Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Achievement of Young Women with Over Nutritional Status. Indonesian Journal of Nutrition College. [online] 7(3), 100-106. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Rotua, M. 2022. Relationship between Nutritional Status and Hemoglobin Levels with Learning Achievement at SMAN 14 Palembang. Journal of Health Poltekkes Palembang. [online] 13(2), 90-97. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Sanders, RA. 2013. Adolescent Psychosocial, Social, and Cognitive Development. Pediatrics in Review. [online] 34(8), 354-359. Available from: [accessed 17th October 2022].

Sharma, S., Garg, A. & Gupta, C. 2019. A Comparative Study of Audiovisual Reaction Time in Anemic and Nonanemic Adolescent Girls. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology. [online] 4(2), 40-43. Available from: doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0102 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Siauta, JA, Indrayani, T. & Bombing, K. 2020. Relation of Anemia with Student Achievement at SMP Negeri Kelila, Central Mamberamo Regency in 2018. Journal for Quality in Women's Health. [online] 3(1), 82-86. Available from: doi:10.30994/jqwh.v3i1.55 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Ucar, HN, Koker, SA &Tekin, U. 2020. Irritability and Perceived Expressed Emotion in Adolescents with Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Case-Control Study. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. [online] 42(6), 403-409. Available from: doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000001663 [accessed 21th October 2022].

Wenger, MJ, Kolb, LEM, Scott, SP, Boy, E. & Haas, JD 2022. Modeling Relationships between Iron Status, Behavior, and Brain Electrophysiology: Evidence from A Randomized Study Involving Biofortified Grain in Indian Adolescents. BMC Public Health. [online] 22, 1299. Available from: [accessed 21th October 2022].

Youssef, MAM, Hassan, ES & Yasien, DG. 2020. Effect of Iron Deficiency Anemia on Language Development in Preschool Egyptian Children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. [online] 135. Available from: [accessed 14th October 2022].
