A Review Article: The Combination of Physical Activity and Healthy Diet in Adolescents to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus

  • Bunga Janviera Firnanda Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Dziyaau Qoulin Nuzil Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Amalia Firda Salsabila Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Romyun Alvy Khoiriyah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
Keywords: Physical Activity, Healthy Diet, Diabetes Mellitus, Adolescents


Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder marked by hyperglycemia and caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Teenagers can be affected by diabetes mellitus as well as adults and the elderly. Disease prevention efforts are one method of reducing the risk factor. A combination of physical activity and healthy diet can help control risk factors, especially in teenagers. Purpose: for the investigation and identification of various research findings relating to the influence of physical activity and healthy diet on the prevention of diabetes mellitus in adolescents Method: a method study which we use in the form of analytical content to build a review article by identifying, reviewing, and evaluating all related research with an influence on the combination of physical activity and healthy diet in adolescents. The source of data in review articles is Google scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct with the key words "Diabetes mellitus", "Physical activity", and "healthy diet. We found 5.000 related articles using search engines as our article data source.  Out of 100 articles, only 10 articles were eligible for literature review. People who don't do physical activity have a higher risk of having diabetes mellitus by 3,198 times, compared to people who do physical activity heavily every day. People who consume food processed from flour like a biscuit have a 1.198 times greater risk of having diabetes mellitus compared with people who never consume food processed from flour. Activity physically is greatly influenced by its intensity, so it will have an effect on the rate of glucose in the blood. Based on the literature review, we do show that in the age group of adolescents, prevention of diabetes mellitus can be conducted with combining physical activity with dietary pattern. This thing is related to insulin secretion, so glucose homeostasis can be more awake. Nonetheless, more research is needed to account for other diabetes risk factors, such as overweight and obesity, genetics, and a healthy lifestyle pattern.


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