Literature Review : Feeding Comfort With Stunting Problems in Toddlers

  • dedy suprayogi
  • Ahdan Mu'afie Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Azra Putriana Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Dinia Roihana Mawarda Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Ikrimatul Munawaroh Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
  • Ika Mustika Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
Keywords: Stunting, MPASI, Toddlers


The poor practice of complementary feeding (MPASI) is one of the most common problems in developing countries. This can lead to poor absorption of nutrients, especially protein, which is associated with problems related to physical growth disorders such as stunting in children under the age of 5 years. This study used a cross-sectional design intending to clarify the relationship between complementary feeding practices and the risk of stunting in children aged 6 to 12 months from Central Lombok. It was an analytical observational study. A total of 206 children with an average age of 9.3 months were selected as the subjects of this study using cluster sampling. Most of them are women. This study analyzed four parameters of the practice of giving complementary foods, namely the age of the first time complementary foods, types of complementary foods, the frequency of complementary foods, and the frequency of complementary foods. This study found a significant relationship between the frequency of complementary feeding (p=0.047, 95%CI) and the number of complementary foods given (p = 0.020, 95% CI) with the risk of developmental disorders in children. On the other hand, other parameters such as age at initiation of complementary foods and solid food texture were not significantly associated with the risk of growth retardation. One of the factors that directly affect stunting in children under the age of 2 years is intake factors such as breast milk (ASI) and breast milk supplements (MPASI).

Author Biography

dedy suprayogi




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