Strengthening Literacy Education Through “House of Cheerful Literacy” on White Chalk Tour, Jeddih Village, Socah District, Bangkalan regency with A Participatory Action Research Approach

  • Fitria Hanaris STAI Alif Laam Miim
  • Ahmad Fauzi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Keywords: literacy education, cheerful literacy house, participatory action research


Literacy is a person's ability to process independently to understand information in reading or writing activities. Literation educationaims to improve individual abilities in reading, writing, speaking, calculating, and solving problems faced by children at the level, family, and community. The application of literacy from an early age can hone one's ability to think critically, creatively, innovatively and with character. Skills can also encourage a person to understand information in a reflective, analytical and critical way. Destinations Jaddih limestone hill tour located in Jaddih village, Socah sub-district, Bangkalan regency. At first the white limestone mining hill was not intended for the general public, then it was opened to the general public as a tourist spot, but still its main function is mining. As a mining site, there are no public facilities that can be found. The community service group took the initiative to create a superior program, not only developing tourist attraction facilities but also community literacy facilities and facilities by creating a "cheerful literacy house" institution. Participatory Action Research(PAR) is the approach used in this research by involving the community in a community or wider social sphere to encourage transformative actions (changes in living conditions for the better), by involving the community or community members as implementers. in this activity. The use of this approach uses three main pillars, namely the research methodology, the action dimension, and the participation dimension.


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How to Cite
HanarisF., & FauziA. (2022). Strengthening Literacy Education Through “House of Cheerful Literacy” on White Chalk Tour, Jeddih Village, Socah District, Bangkalan regency with A Participatory Action Research Approach. Proceedings of Annual Conference on Community Engagement, 3, 733-742. Retrieved from